Chapter Eight

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I was able to discern that Cooper had let all of defenses down after that. He allowed his eyes to rest, casting his gaze to the pebbly ground below us. The world didn't seem to move an inch. As soon as his head dropped, his hand followed and disconnected from mine. There was a pause.

"Well... Make it quick. I have a mother waiting for me at home, you know." he informed me, not even daring to look my way. I felt my heart sink to my stomach by the mention of a mom. My eyelids fell over my vision as they let out a profuse tremor. I couldn't cry now.. Thinking of my long lost mom is too painful to bear right now. I should be focused on saving Cooper's and my relationship.

I turned my head. "I just wanted to know why... you kissed me. I have no problem but I just want to know your reason." I told him, my voice thick and heavy with incoming tears. I tried my best to seem strong about this but I failed the second I dove into the challenge. Hot tears begged to race down my face but I held them back with all my might I could muster up. I had to do this; for Cooper and myself.

"I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you... I-I really didn't want to lie and say everything was fine. I had to tell you the truth, since it felt like the right thing to do!" I continued, my face growing hot.

"I'm surprised you haven't run away by now. I... felt like you were going to hate me so I went into auto-defense mode." he trailed off, seeming at a loss for words. "you're the only person I genuinely enjoy hanging out with. Out of all my friends, I just think you're different. Something about you is just so alluring to me." he admitted. He unceasingly spoke to me, finally spinning around and looking into my watery eyes. "You're special.. But when I did that stupid thing the other night, I... I felt like it was just the right time." his voice finally repressed into silence.

"T-The right time for what, exactly?" I asked through soft sniffles. "I hate having you act like I don't exist anymore... I feel worthless." Through my blabbering, I was only faintly aware of the tears rolling down my cheeks. Because of this and my broken words, I swear I could hear Cooper softly gasp. Feeling defeated, I decided to shut my mouth... I didn't expect Cooper to do what he inclined to do.

' He shot forward and wrapped his arms around me, hands resting on the small of my back. His nose was buried into the side of my neck, breath warm as it fanned against my skin. I stiffened immediately since I'm not used to being hugged. "W-Wha--" I breathed, voice hitching and diffusing to silence. I didn't know how to react, so I awkwardly let my arms dangle by my sides.

"Don't you ever say that about yourself. You're not worthless, Stormie. I like you so much, but I feel like I'm going too fast. I'll wait until you're ready." he whispered with a fond tone in his voice. His grip tightened around me. When he refused to let me go, I let out a whimper. Ready for what? what's going on? Why do I feel so blithe?? I'm...

"I'm... I-I'm happy." I blurted out, warm tears welling up in my eyes as I said that. I've never had anyone do this to me. Nobody has been able to make me smile except Cooper. This idiot is the reason I cry, laugh, smile and even lash out at others. He's shared his surplus of emotions with a person who is lacking them. "Thank you Cooper." I mumbled, finally gaining the strength to raise my arms and return his tight embrace. His back was firm as I ran my palms along it. My fingers gripped his shirt, holding onto him for dear life.

He then retracted from the hug, looking over me with sparkling lapiz eyes. I returned his gaze, an instinctive smile raising my lips. A gust of wind passed us, which tugged me from my stupefied daze. Looking around us, I found that people were walking on the sidewalk and other students were chatting up a storm a few meters over. I whirled my head back to Cooper, only to see him grinning like an idiot. I lightly punched his arm and covered my beet red face. Oh my God, I forgot we were in public!

I snapped, "D-Don't look at me that way." to which he only shrugged and reached over to ruffle my blond hair. He calmed his grin and fought it by biting his lower lip.

"I'll text you when I get home, Stormie."


Cooper 🍂: Hi,, sorry for being rude to you back there

Me: no, its fine dont apologize

Cooper 🍂: Soo uh lol we're cool?

Me: yeah ofc

Cooper 🍂: Yay 🙌👌 i rlly want you to come over and meet my brother & mom

Me: maybe tomorrow I can. I have to tell dad first though

Cooper 🍂: kk 😝

Our text messages went back and forth for nearly an hour, and over that span of time I realized that Cooper loved using emojis. I rolled my eyes at every one he used, but I didn't mention any of them. Since he likes emojis, I decided to add one at the end of his contact name every single time my image of him changed. When we first met, I used a sick emoji to symbolize that I was still uncomfortable with him...

Now, I use an autumn leaf to symbolize our close friendship.


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