Chapter Ten

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Later on, Perry offered to make Cooper and me dinner tonight and we both happily accepted. The things I like about her are that she's carefree and she has a unique southern accent. I like people from the countryside, since they're not obsessed with electronics like me in the city.

Sitting in his bedroom, which strongly smelled of salt & vinegar chips and a lingering scent of the dinner we ate a few minutes ago. As we both took turns browsing the internet and YouTube, I failed to notice that most of his viewed videos were tips on how to get a boyfriend. When clicking on one of the videos, he lightly slapped my hand away from the computer mouse and switched to another video.

I inclined to question him, but I found myself growing interested in the current clip that was playing on-screen. I looked over to Cooper, only to see that he was eyeing me from the side, refusing to turn his head my way. "Y-You have someone you like?" I asked quietly, causing him to look at me with a deadpan, as if I should know who it is... Is it someone I know?

"Yes, obviously. He has fluffy blonde hair and beautiful green-brown eyes. Soft lips and light eyebrows," he continued to keep his gaze on me before grinning. "Ever since I met this boy, I felt like I could fly. I've tried taking him to a few parties but every single time he didn't like it and something bad always happened."

"Huh.. That guy must not be the type to like that kind of stuff.." I blandly answered, turning back to the computer screen.. Should I know who this boy is? I then heard him let out a frustrated groan which I didn't think much of until I felt a pair of hands yank at my shirt. I whipped my head to the side, locking gazes with Cooper as my eyes grew wide.

"W-What's wron--"

My question was cut short by two soft lips pressing against mine. Confused, I quickly grabbed onto the closest thing next to me, which was awkwardly Cooper's arm. I forced my eyes to close, poorly trying to decipher what the hell was happening here. I pushed against him as an attempt to get his lips off of mine. I just feel... uncomfortable like this..

Once he pulled from the kiss, I could properly see his saddened face. Tears quickly streamed down his face, plipping to the bed sheets below us. Flinching, I shot forward and wiped the tears with the belly of my thumb. "Cooper... Why are you crying?" I hastily asked, wiping the liquid from his warm face. My lips still tingled from the kiss he gave me... Like, some sort of electric spark had shocked my mouth as his connected with mine.

"It's you Stormie," he muttered, sniffling softly. "God... I-It's you! I like you! I've tried to get closer to you because you're just... So different.. You're just too alluring!" he wailed. At a loss for words, I decided to lean closer and wrap my arms around his neck.

His nose buried into the sie of my neck, body shuddering and breath ragged as he cried into my shoulder. In this moment, I felt some sort of fluttering in my stomach, almost as if there were actual butterflies flying in my belly. I laughed humorlessly. "Wow.." I whispered. "I-I'm so ignorant. I'm sorry."


As of now, Cooper was on his way to my house to drop me off. My dad must be worried sick about me... Hell, I won't be surprised if the whole police station is searching for me under flashing lights and sharp eyes. The ride was completely silent other than the humming of the car and the soft pitter-patters of rain drops hitting the roof.

For once Cooper didn't speak. When I spared him a glance, I could see that his brows were knitted and teeth were lightly chewing his bottom lip. My eyes could only analyze that much before tearing themselves away. His eyes remained on the passing road, sometimes glistening with something I've never seen on him before.


Through the rain's treacherous downfall and the dull light diffusing from the car's headlights, my eyes could make out a form in the distance. A humped back and a small shape protruding from the rear. Long neck and a pair of upturned ears that had a set of strong branch-like forms protecting them... A deer!

I jumped up in my seat, eyes wide and alert as my hands grabbed Cooper's forearm. My vision was a blur of colors by now and I struggled to pull Cooper from the wheel. In my fit of panic, I screamed, "Watch out!"

Everything was a haze as his foot slammed the brakes down, I flung forward and felt the car swerve on the wet road below us. There was a vibrating thump from the front of me, and the shattering of thin glass.

"Shit!" I heard Cooper's voice in a whisper as another reverberating thump emanated from the front of the car. Trying to lean back, I ending up jerking forward again and I hit my head on the edge of the dashboard.

A large wave of utter pain shot through my whole body. My leg crackled as I could feel the flesh internally tearing, catching on the bone and ripping even more. A wave of nausea floated in my stomach and my skull throbbed.

"Shit, shit! S-Stormie are you okay? Fuck, hold on..."

Helpless, I laid there. My body wouldn't move... Not a single muscle. I couldn't even turn my head. I could only feel a warm, sticky, warm liquid below my forehead. I couldn't open my eyes either, nor my fingers or toes. All I could feel was the dull, pulsing ache in my head, the same following for my ankle and belly.

I couldn't even yell or groan or cry in pain. My voice was lodged in my throat and refused to emerge... Ah..


Sorry it's so short ;-;

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