(15) Kelsea - Thursday 23rd August, 12.00 Midnight., The Wardrobe

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(15) Kelsea - Thursday 23rd August, 12 Midnight, In The Wardrobe

Before I start telling you about today, I just want to say I'm sorry for the terrible handwriting. I'm in Lucy's wardrobe, sitting on a cushion with Big Ted, holding one of those skeleton shaped torches I got in a Halloween loot bag when I was about seven, and that's the only source of light. I'll tell you why at the end of the entry.

Lucy still isn't speaking to me. I woke up this morning after having a dream about dad working in a pet store but the animals were evil (the cats had massive sushi knives to do kung fu with and the dogs tore people to pieces) and let's just say I wasn't in the greatest mood. She was sat reading Harry Potter in the living room and when I walked in to say hi, I got no reply. So I walked right out, into the kitchen.

To find mum at the table. She was up, and dressed in this short, revolting dress with daisy patterns all over it and sunglasses perched on her head. It was bloody half eight in the morning! Yes, that's early for me in the summer.

"Where are you going?" I must have grumbled as I shuffled my way to the fridge. Reminder: I had only just got up.

"I'm going for lunch. Or brunch. Well, something to eat, with Oliver." Her voice was all airy-fairy-style and she kept blinking too much as she took small bites out of her toast.

I flared up then. I hadn't heard of this Oliver ever before. I hadn't seen that dress before. I hadn't seen her up this early before.

"Who the hell is Oliver?" I sneered, tugging the orange juice out of its holder in the fridge door along with the butter from a shelf. I set them down on the counter, and then began to make toast, rubbing my eyes.

"Don't use that tone!" she snapped, sudden anger flashing in her eyes. It then died down as she sighed dreamily, "He's my colleague. It's just a friendly lunch together."

"Mmm. Well, don't bring him back here. Lucy'll be around," I told her quietly. Gosh, I felt like I was the mother and she was the teenager. But I did know better. Nine out of ten times she has been on a date that she insisted was 'just as friends', she has brought the guy back home. Those times, I grabbed Lucy and we went to stay at Gram's. We went to dad's the first few times but on the third time he turned us away. Charming.

"Kelsea!" she cried out, as if I had suggested something horrific. "It's just as friends!"

"Oh? Well that's what you said all the other times and the next day they woke up in your bed, here. Or you in theirs." I raised an eyebrow, knowing she would spend the whole day with this Oliver guy, then invite him back here or go back to wherever the hell he lives.

"That's enough!" she literally screamed, and God - she looked so much like me when the two red patches appeared on her cheeks, to match her red hair that was the exact same shade as mine. I jumped, and I listened out to Lucy in the sitting room but she didn't utter a word. I didn't look at her again as she just shoved her chair back into the wall and sort of drifted out, upstairs.

Well, whatever.

Today, this morning, at that EXACT moment, I realised that I was going to start doing things with my life every day. My thoughts drifted to Kale - the charming, bizarre boy who appreciated music and life and God and rain. I wanted to be like him.

She left soon after that, just as I was reading the last few pages of Jane Eyre will munching on my toast. After getting dressed into plain clothes - a green striped shirt and pale-wash skinny jeans, I went to see what Lucy was doing. I didn't want to be the nosy older sister but she's been worrying me lately. Firstly, she doesn't speak as much (well, I know you're thinking, no shit, because we fell out yesterday, but it was like that before our little incident). Also, she's less smiley. She cares less about things that I ask her about. She isn't the same. Is she fading? I don't know.

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