(9) Kelsea - Monday 13th August, 10.43 p.m., The Stairs, Home.

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(9) Kelsea - Monday 13th August, 10.43 p.m., The Stairs, Home

Today was weird. But before I write about that, I think I should say – yesterday with Gram was just what I needed. Gram-therapy always helps after being told indirectly by you’re father that you’re unloved.


Today I was planning to meet Demi. We were gonna go to have lunch in Gino’s, then do some serious retail therapy. We arranged it last night over the phone, and she was almost going to call Maycee and Sienna to come but I put my foot down.

I’m confused. Which one out of us is being mean? Me for not letting her invite them? Or her, for wanting to invite them so they could ruin our day out for BEST FRIENDS? By inviting them, is she slowly trying to drive me away, eventually replacing me with them? And when I told her that they couldn’t come, she went all falsely bright and too apologetic for words. I quickly wrapped up with conversation and told her to meet me at twelve at the bus stop.

The weirdness started when I was walking out of the house. Kale Atticus was there, on his drive with his truck bonnet open, leaning against it with his head bent. His brow was all creased in stress or confusion or whatever, as he played around with the mechanics in the car. I tried to walk past silently, but he looked up suddenly. Gosh, the guy has super-hearing. Like a lion or something. Maybe that’s to help him get all the girls he gets in various ways. But as he looked up and gave me one of those crooked grins, I realised that he even LOOKS like a lion. An adorably adorable one. And THAT quality is definitely to pull in the girls. He’s like a lion-girl-catcher-beast. With all these adaptations so that he gets his prey.

“Mornin’, Kelsea Richardson,” he called to me, just as I passed his drive.

I couldn’t help myself – I paused in my tracks and sneaked a glance. The way he said my full name just had FLIRT written all over it.

I stared at him as he stood up straight, pushing off the side of the truck. Hands went in the pockets of his dark jeans, pressing down, and I felt like they might fall any second.

“Hello,” I remember greeting him shortly, crossing my arms casually. I tried not to stare into those sea green eyes.

He asked me (in his usual flirty way) where I was going this fine morning. The cocky smile never left his face.

“I’m just going into town,” I replied simply. I decided that I wasn’t going to be cool with him, or sarcastic. Being simple and genuine but not overly friendly or fiery would get him off my case.

That was what I thought.

Until he said, “Perhaps we could hang out together.”

He looked so damn innocent and genuine. Shame I wasn’t believing it.

“I have girly plans. And since when do we hang out, Kale?”

“My point exactly,” I recall him hurrying on. “We never do hang out. So how about it?”

I remember how I sighed heavily. God, the guy can wear down a stone. And why does he want to spend time with me all of a sudden? I know he’s always been a flirt with me but it’s not like we have ever had proper conversations. And a guy like that should be more interested in girls like Flora Nott. Not me.

So I told him I was going to meet Demi. I was getting more confused – because he had a disappointed look come over his face and he just sort of nodded sullenly. We said quick goodbyes and I walked on. My head was full of questions.

Still is.

Demi was waiting at the bus stop, phone in hand. She asked me where I had been. Obviously, thanks to Kale Atticus, I was late, I opened my mouth to tell her about the strangeness off my encounter with Kale. But instead I just said I was sorry, and didn’t mention his name.

I don’t know why.

It just felt right.

Kelsea x

P.S. We had amazing fun in town. Wish you could see the dress I got! (God, why am I talking to this diary as if it’s a person?)

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