what just happened?

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Lily's POV

Louis put his hands on my shoulders, as he spoke he started to tighten his grip until I felt a sharp pain in both my shoulders.

"Louis please let go of me." I said with a shaken voice but it was useless he wouldn't listen to me.

"Louis let go." This time I said it more sternly but he STILL wouldn't listen to me.

"Louis let me go now!" I yelled. I felt the pain in my shoulders grow more intense.

Louis finally let go and stare blankly at me. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do so I ran. I left the mall and got a cab. I gave the driver my old houses address because I knew that if I went to the flat now Harry would ask me a lot of questions.


I got in my house with the spare key I always keep under the mat. I rushed in because I didn't know if Louis followed me or not.  I went to check my shoulders for any bruising and sure enough I had two big bruises one in each shoulder. I went to my old closet to see if I had any clothes I saw a long sleeve shirt and I put it on to cover the bruises.

What just happened? I asked myself. I didn't. know what to do I just found put that my boyfriend's best friend is in love with me. I decided to stay in my old house for a bit longer.

Loui's POV

I let go of Lily's shoulders and noticed she was crying. I felt horrible I was going to apologize but she ran out. I decided not to follow her I didn't think she'd want to see me at the moment.


I went to a local bar. I got in and asked for a beer. I stayed there for a while and I got pretty drunk. I was about to leave when I noticed a blonde girl staring at me. we exchanged glances for a while then she came up to talk to me.

"Hi I'm Sarah." she said batting her eyes.

"I'm Loui nice to meet you." I said.

"So Louis it's getting kind of boring here how about we go some place else maybe my place?" She asked.

"How about mine?" I asked knowing exactly what she had in mind.

"Sure let's go." She bit her lower lip in a seductive way. We both Both Got out the bar and into my car. Then we drove off.


I ended up sneaking the girl in the back so that the boys wouldn't find out. I was drunk and I didn't think at the moment so I slept with Sarah. We both fell asleep after and woke up at 2 or so. When I got up I noticed my room was clean and Sarah took the liberty to shower and put on some of my clothes.

"Hey Sarah did you do all of this?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yup if we live together you can't be messy at all." she said cheerfully.

oh great what did I get myself in this time I thought.



I sat there thinking wout what just happened. But some how I fell asleep I woke up at 2.

"Shit Harry's going to be angry" i graoned

I called a cab to take me to the flat.


i was infont of the flat praying that no one was in the living room. This way i could seak in the flat. I walked in and just as i expected every one was in the living room. As soon as i ealked in the first one to start asking questions was Harry.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick. You cant just leave without telling." Harry said then hestarted telling me how irrisponsible that was. I wanted to tell him to be quiet but how do I do that without being rude? So I did things the nicest way possible I kissed him until I was sure He would drop yhe topic.

"That was a really nice way to tell me to shut up. You should do it more often." He said with a really cheeky smile.

As soon as I turned around I saw Louis staring at us. As soon as he saw that i saw him staring he looked down.

"Um I need to go to my room and get cleaned up." I said making my way to my room.

"Um... I have to go get some asprin for my hang over I'll be back." I could hear Louis say. Then I heard foot steps behimd me. Louis grabbed my arm causing me to turn around and look at him.

"I need you to do me a big favor." He said smiling inoccently as if nothing ever happened."

"A favor? What are you crazy? Did you forget what you did to me not so long ago and now you want a favor. Never Louis now leave me alone I dont want Harry to find out about what happened this morning." I was about to close my bed room door when Louis stopped the door with his hand.

"Please Lily I need you to get rid of this girl for me I barley know her and she already wants to move in."

"No Louis, She's your drunk blond chick now you deal with her." I said in a sort of angry tone.

"Please please please pleasssssseeee." He begged.

I wanted to say no but I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for ever so I agreed to get rid of the girl for him. Louis then got out of my room so I could change. I had to go into my long sleeve shirts because I had to cover the bruises up. Once I was done I went down stairs to get rid of the girl Louis brought home.

"Um its kind of getting late i think you should be heading home Sarah." I heard Louis say.

"If this relationship is going to work you BETTER NOT tell ME what TO DO." Sarah said very rudly.

"Um ok." Louis answered like a five year old getting in trouble. I tried to control my anger I really did even though Louis did hurt me I knew he was still my friend. And NO ONE TALKS TO MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT. I walked in front of sarah steaming with anger at this point.

"Don't talk to Louis like that." I demanded.

"And exactly who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Don't worry about who I am.  I think you should go NOW."

"Why dont you make me?" Sarah said getting closer to me in a threatening way.

I clould hear everyone talking in the background.

"She did not just say that." Caroline said knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

"Wait whats going to happen." Liam said worried.

"You'll see. " Caroline responded.

"She better not get blood on my new carpet."  Liam said.

"What did you just say?" I asked the girl daring her to repeat what she said.

"I said... Why don't you make me?"

"Girl you're about to get your ass beat up." Caroline said behind me.

Caroline was right thats exactly what happened. I've been pushed around by many people and I was not about to let someone as rude as her to get away with disrespecting me and Louis. I dont want to get into details but the girl walked out with a bleeding nose, black eyes, broken toothes, and patches of missing hair.

Author's note

Hey there peeps.  just wanted to see what you think about the chapter? I also wanted to ask for more comments because I rarley get some and sometimes it feels like I'm wasting my time on this. So please comment so I can keep writing.

Dont forget to




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