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Lily's POV

Me and Caroline spent some time eating some junk food that was in my house and watched chick flicks. Then we heard people outside the house. There was knocking and banging on my door.

"I'll get that." Caroline got up and when to the door. She opened the blinds to see who it was. She looked shocked and a bit scared.

"Who is it?" I got up and stood next to her. She quickly got in front of the window so I wouldn't be able to see who it was.

"Its no one just ignore it" Caroline said very, very quickly, her voice sounded nervous.

"How do you want me to ignore it if their banging on my door?"

"Lily just ignore it, its no big deal." She tried to convince me to go to my room and ignore everything.

"Caroline your hiding something from me and I know it" I made my voice stern so she would know I wasn't joking.

"No I'm not. Why would I hide anything from you." She got closer to the window still blocking it.

"Caroline... MOVE."

"Fine just don't freak out when you see whats out there." She moved to the side and gestured for me to look. I took a small peek out the widow and saw flashing cameras blinding me.

"Who in the world are these people?" I looked at Caroline waiting for an answer.

"Its kind of clear. People think your dating Harry and Harry is famous, so my guess would be that they are the press, paparazzi, or Directioners. They are all hear to find out if the rumors are true."

"I better go tell them the truth." I put my hand on the door knob and was about to unlock it when I felt a some one smack my hand hard. I looked up at Caroline shocked and a bit angry.

"What did you do that for?" I asked her.

"Sorry, I didn't know what else to do. If you go out there they will eat you alive." She had an apologetic look in her face.

"But I have to go out there and clear things up."

"No you cant Lily don't go out there you could get hurt bad." She looked very worried.

"Ok I wont go but we can't just stay here for ever." That's when we heard a voice from out side.

"Open up I'm here to help!" The stranger yelled from out side. Me and Caroline ran to the window to see who it was.

"Oh my gosh that's Paul Higgins." Caroline squealed in my ear causing me to flinch.

"Who's that?"

"You dont know who Paul is?" She said as she gasped.

"No I don't know who that is that's why?" I asked.

"Paul Higgins is One Direction's body guard. Lily he could really help us get out of here and some place safe."

"No Caroline the last thing I want is to get more involved with One Direction. Lets just stay here." I refused to go or see any one who knew or was in contact with them.

"Too late." She opened the door and let Paul in. He struggled to shut the door behind him because every one out side was trying to get in as well but he managed to close it. Looking tired he looked at both of us. I went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water with ice. I gave it to him.

"Thanks" he said drinking up all the water.

"So why are you here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to help both of you go some place safe. Some place where there are no paparazzi."

"Ok whats the plan?" Caroline asked.

"I'm not going." I looked at both of them and then sat in the living room.

"Are we going to have to do this the hard way?" He looked at me and walked towards me at the same time.

"I guess we will." I said with a sassy tone.

"Ok the hard way it is." He picked me up and swung me over his shoulders.

"Let me down" I yelled, he ignored me and turned to Caroline.

"Whats your name?"


"Ok Caroline here's the plan, we are going to walk out the front door. I need you to hold on to my hand and you cant let go until we get in the limo. Ok?"

"Ok Paul." Caroline got ready to do as Paul said, all I did was struggled helplessly. Before I knew it I heard loud screams and saw flashing lights. We got on the limo and Paul finally put me down.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked Paul.

"Don't worry about it"

"So your not going to tell me?"

"Nope you'll have to wait till we get there."

"Fine." I replied. We had to loose some paparazzi that were following us so we switched limos 3 times. Once we got to the place where Paul was taking us. It was huge flat.

Hey everyone thanks for reading this far. the next chapter might be late because it got deleted I'll try my best to get it uploaded as soon as possible. Another thing is that I really need people to comment if I don't get comments this means no ones reading it and I might as well not upload it if no ones reading it. That's all for now.

Thanks for reading

Don't forget that you're all unique :)


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