Did this really haappen?

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Harry's POV

A few minutes later a girl about 8 years old with brown hair, Hazel eyes and pale skin walked in. Next to her was a boy about 12, with short black hair, tanish, and black brown eyes. As soon as they saw Lily they ran up to her and she embraced both of them.

"Lily!" Both children yelled.

"Ed, Ashley how was your day?" She asked them.

"It was great!" The little girl said.

"That good to hear. Kids I'd like you to meet my friend Lou and my.. Um.."

"Boyfriend." I cut in before Lily could say anything else.

"We'll talk about it later. Lou and Harry this is Ed and Ashley " Lily said.

"Nice to meet you Ed and Ashley." Lou greeted both children. Ashley rushed to Lily's side and whispered something in her ear causing Lily to smile.

Lily's POV

"Lily are those really two of the boys from One direction" Ashley whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah they are." I told her. That's when she got overly excited and ran towards Lou and hugged him tight.

"Louis Tomlinson you don't know it, yet but I'm your future wife." Ashley squealed.  We all looked at Lou and smiled.

"Wow Lou I didn't know Mrs. Tomlinson was so young." Harry joked.

"I didn't know either." Lou responded. We all laughed and joked around. I looked over to Ed and he was the only one not laughing. He looked serious, mad even.

"Ed whats wrong?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"I don't want them here." He said looking over at Harry and Lou.

"Ed be nice."I said sternly.

"No I won't be nice. They're the reason why you haven't been with me and Ashley. They're the reason why you left." Ed said. It broke my heart I didn't know he felt that way.

"Ed look at me, I never left I'm here aren't I?"I spoke softly.

"Yeah your here now but sooner or later you'll leave."

"Ed things haven't been easy for me either. Please try to understand... Please."

"I know moms going to die." Ed said softly.

"No...no she's not who told you that. Lou can you please take Ashley to the back yard." I said quickly. He completely caught me by surprise. Lou grabbed Ashley's hands and went out side.

"I heard you and Aunt Vicky talking about it. Lily is my mom going to die?"

"No she's not." I said.

"Lily am young not stupid. Stop being in denial we all know she's going to die." Ed said with tears running down his face.

"No she's not Ed." I said

"Yes she is. I've told you before and I'll tell you again only good things happen to rich people. We're not one of them, good things just don't happen to us. They never have and they never will." Ed shouted, then ran to his room and slammed the door. This left only me and Harry in the living room.  I sat down on the sofa not being able to believe what had just happened. Harry came to my side and hugged me knowing how I felt.

"Are you okay Lily?" Harry asked.

"He wasn't supposed to find out, at least not yet."

"You were going to have to tell him sooner or later." He said softly.

"I know." I said. Harry sat on the sofa comforting me.

Lou's POV

Lily asked me to take Ashley outside and I was more then happy to I loved spending time with children they are just so adorable. I spent most of the time pushing her on a swing. Then we both sat on the grass and we started talking a bit.

"This is such a lovely swing Ashley did you make it?" I asked.

"Yeah Ed, Lily, and I all made it all made it last summer." she answered in a sweet little voice.

"That must have been really fun."

"oh, it was. Lily's always been fun to be around she's like our second mother... since our real mom isn't around." Ashley's voice softened and I felt horrible seeing her sad.

"It's okay Ashley don't be sad. Come on let me see that smile of yours." I said tickling her.

It didn't take long for Ashley to star smiling again. She was a little girl so full of life it was impossible not to like her. She is just so adorable.

"Stop it Lou!" She squealed as she laughed uncontrollably. I finally stopped and she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Lou can I ask you something?" Ashley said.


"Is Lily going to stay or is she going back with you and the other boys?"

"I don't know sweetheart it all depends on what she wants to do." I answered.

"Oh... ok then. Do you think we could go back in the house now?"

"let me check." I got up and walked towards the house. I got inside and found Lily crying and Harry comforting her.

"Is everything ok?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah she's ok, she's just a little upset." Harry answered

"Ok, I just came to ask if Ashley can come back in the house. She asked me and I didn't know what to say so I came to ask you guys."

"Oh shit I totally forgot. Lou do me a favor and bring her in please." Lily sat up and wiped the tears off her face. I went back out side and walked to where Ashley was.

"What did she say?" Ashley asked.

"She said you could come in already." I extended my hand so she could hold on to it She instantly grabbed on to it and I felt her little hand in mine. I guided her into the house.

"Lily are you leaving again?" Ashley asked because she saw Lily carrying a suitcase.

"Yes I have to to go but I'm going to be back in a week for you and Ed. I'm not leaving right this moment I need to wait foe aunt Vicky to come back." when Lily said that Ashley just looked down at the floor.

"You promise you'll be back?" Ashley mumbled.

"Of course I promise I'll be back for both of you."

"But Ed said..." Ashley was going to continue but Lily cut her off.

"Sweety look at me. Forget what Ed said he was mad and confused, tell me Ashley have I ever broken my promises?" Lily asked Ashley.

"No" Ashley answered quietly.

"The I'm not going to start now ok Ashley?"

"Ok" Ashley went and hugged Lily tight. Then we heard a knock at the door. Lily walked over and opened it

A/N: this is offically the last chapter until a week or so. Sorry :( I'll try to update as soon as I get wifi I promise I will. If I still have Wi-Fi tomorrow I'll upload a new chapter. Remember to...






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