The talk

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Lily's POV

"Um I'll leave you two alone." Harry got up off my bed and left the room.

"Hey Caroline what's up?"

"Lily are you mad at me?" She asked.


"Lily I know you're mad at me." She got closer to me and st on my bed.

"Well if you know I'm mad why do you bother asking?" I have to admit a little bit of sass might have slipped out.

"Because you never tell me how you're feeling, I'm not a mind reader. I can't magically find out how you're feeling." I could tell she was sorry but I just wasn't completely convinced.

"I guess I assumed that you and I have been friends for so long you would know me better just like I know you."

"Lily I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way."

"Caroline words hurt but in this case what hurt me was the words you were afraid to speak. I've known you since forever and I know I can always count on you for anything. It hurts me to know you don't feel the same."

"Lily I know I can always count on you, I didn't tell you because you were so sad at the moment because of what happened with your mom that it just didn't feel right. It didn't feel right for me to be happy while my best friend felt horrible." She said.

"Caroline it doesn't matter to me how I feel as long as I know my best friend is happy I'll be happy as well."

"I'm sorry Lily."

"Apology excepted." I said. we hugged each other. Then pulled away.

"Caroline can you call Niall I really need to talk to him." I said.

"Sure, wait... why do you want to talk to him?"  She looked at me suspiciously.

"Damn girl I just want to have q serious talk with him that's all." I said, without saying anything else she walked out the door and came back in with Niall next to her.

"Hey Lily, Caroline said you wanted to talk to me?" Niall looked totally confused.

"Yeah, Caroline can you please leave us alone for a while, or would you like to stay?" I asked her.

"Umm, I rather leave." She walked out the room and closed the door behind her. Niall stood there awkwardly.

"so what do you want to talk to me about?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about Caroline."

"Ok what about her?"

"Promise me you won't hurt her ever, Promise me that you'll make her happy, and that no matter what happens you'll be by her side." I said seriously.

"Lily I won't hurt her." He said.

"No Niall I need you to to say it, Niall you must swear to me that you will never ever hurt her. She's like a sister to me and her family might not always be here with her but I always will. Niall you're my friend as well and it would hurt me a lot more to know that you out of all the people in the world you hurt her." I have to admit I don't always tell Caroline how important she is to me but lately I've been doing it a lot. So at this point I felt overly emotional and I was crying.

"Aww Lily please don't cry I promise... no I swear to you that I will never, ever, in a million years ever hurt Caroline." He said, I looked him in the eyes and I could tell he meant what he said.

"Thank you Niall, you can leave now." I said while drying up the tears on my face.

After Niall left I decided to get in the shower. I got in the shower and scrubbed every inch in my body. I got out and wrapped myself  my robe. Then I had to pick out my outfit. It took me a while but I finally decided to wear some blue faded shorts, a black T-shirt, my black hoodie, and black Nikes. I put my hair up in a messy bun then ran down stairs. Everyone was in the living room watching tv.

"Lily what are you doing out of bed?" Harry asked in complete shock. All I could really do is give him a really innocent smile and hope he doesn't get mad at me.

"I feel a lot better now." I said.

"But the doctor said you had to rest for at least two days." He grabbed my hand and was about to take me back to my room when I stopped him.

"I'm not going back, Harry."

"Lily you have too."

"Harry if I go back there I will fall in depression. I've been down that road before and I'm not going back. She would've wanted me too." I said softly. Harry instantly realized what I meant and let go of my hand.

"Ok but I don't want you to do anything that gets you tired." Harry said in a parental voice.

"Yeah, Harry I know." I said. Harry sat on the sofa and I sat next to him. I spent the entire day next Harry cuddling by his side.

This entire week was awful I missed my mom so much. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. Why did she leave me all alone? I need her to be with me. Why did this happen to me? I can't take this anymore, I should have been with her it's all my fault. It's my fault my dad left us and its my fault my mom's gone as well. It's ALL my fault.

"Lily wake up." I heard Harry's voice say. I had fallen asleep next to Harry without realizing it.

"W..what happened?" I asked with my voice shaky.

"We were watching a movie and you fell asleep. Then before we knew it you were crying in your sleep. Are you ok Lily?"Zayn asked.

"Um...uh... yeah I'm fine." I said.

"Come on Lily I'll take you to your room." Harry said. I was about to get up but before I could Harry picked me up and took me to my room. He lied me in my bed. I felt like a little kid again. I felt so vulnerable and scared. I couldn't stand the feeling of being alone. Mostly because everyone I loved or cared about always left at some point.


"Yeah Lily whats wrong?" Harry said.

"Can you please stay here with me?" I said.

"Sure babe I'll stay here all night if you want me to." Without saying another word He lied next to me and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

A/N: Hey beautiful people I'm back. What did you think of this chapter? I will upload the next chapter on the weekend. Remember to...





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