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Lily's POV

"I am going to shower and change clothes apparently I have a meeting with Modest." I told the boys and Caroline, .

"They want to see you?" Liam asked.


"But why?"

"I don't know Liam. Harry you better get ready as well don't want to keep your bosses waiting." I left to my room.

When I got to my room I when strait into the shower. I scrubbed my self clean. I couldn't decide what to wear at first. Then I realized that why should I care what modest thought about me. Why should I care what the people who tore me from Harry's side think about me. I didn't care before so why start now. I picked out some black tight shorts, and a blue blouse that buttoned up. I put on my black converse, then blow dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I rushed down stairs and waited for Harry to come down. Harry came down and he was wearing a t-shirt that was a darker shade of blue then mine, black skinny jeans, and his white converse.

"Lets go" He said.

"Bye everyone we'll be back later." I said walking out the door.

"Ok drive safely and tell us what happens when you two get back." Liam shouted behind us, we both got in the car and drove off.

The car drive was awkwardly silent. The car reminded me of the day Harry took me to the beach. I wanted things to go back to the way it was but I knew that would never happen.

Harry's POV

I wanted to hold Lily in my arms so bad feel her lips against mine just like it used to be but it was impossible. Modest probably wanted to see us to tell us what we had to do to pull off this publicity stunt. But I didn't want this to be a publicity stunt I wanted this to be real. After a 15minute drive we were at the building were Modest would be at. We got in the building and we were directed into an office. There they were every single one of them just staring at us.

"What do you all want." Lily said a but rudely.

"We needed to talk to both of you about whats happened with you and Harry." How did they know about that I thought to my self. Then I remembered Paul had orders to tell then everything that happens when he's with us.

"Both of you know that this is fake. You two cant get emotionally involved what so ever." A lady told us looking dead serious.

"Its a little to late for that don't cha think, just tell us what we have to do so we can go already." Lily looked frustrated and irritated that she was being forced to do all of this.

"Whats the plan" I asked.

"Its simple first we're going to have palarazzi's take pictures of both of you. They will be posted on social medias to get everyone talking about both of you. Then we will have the two of you,appear on the Chattyman talk show confirming the relationship. After a few weeks you will announce that the relationship didn't work out and that you called it quits. That will be the end of that we pay Lily and you will never hear about her again." A lady told us with a smile on her face. The thought of never seeing Lily again made me feel sick. I was going to loose her for ever.

"Fine can we leave now?" Lily rolled her eyes at them.

"Yes you can, but remember that you CAN'T get emotionally involved." The lady repeats.

"So what if we do?" I said without thinking. Lily looked surprised at my remark.

"Harry what are you doing?" Lily whispered in my ear.

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