16. Chargestone Part 2

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(Image Credit: Otakusoul13 on DeviantArt)

Y/N stared unfazed at  the two grunts. She had to go through them in order to get further inside the cave. But where was N and Zoroark? Leonardo, the male grunt that was speaking Spanish earlier pointed at her. 

"You there! You're with the others, correct? Me and lovely Petra here will escort you to them."  Petra, the female grunt besides him rolled her eyes. She looked at Y/N and sighed.

"...Just come with us. It'll be easier for everyone."  Y/N shook her head and ran away surprising the grunts. They chased after her while she looked around for another  route. The weird rocks around her gave magnetic sparks and dim light as  she ran, but the cave was dark otherwise which made it difficult to see where she was headed.

"There's gotta be another way through this cave..."  She looked around but became anxious and frustrated with Team Plasma chasing after her. "Damn you N!,"  she shouted angrily. "You and your stupid secre-"

Suddenly she tripped over a Roggenrola. She yelp and all of a sudden started to tumble down a narrow slope path that she was not aware of. Y/N lands in a hard thud face front. She groans painfully and tries to stand up. She realizes that her clothes had became covered in dirt and dust and her nose and knee were bleeding.

"This is just great!,"  she yelled angrily. She then hear voices above her that called out  to her. Y/N turned around and saw the grunts Leonardo and Petra come down carefully.

"Dios mío!,"  shouted Leonardo. He ran towards her and grabbed her face gently. "Are you okay dear?"  Petra grabbed him and glared at him. She turned to Y/N apologetic.

"Look, we have to turn you in with the others and report N and his Zoroark. N-no hard feelings."  Leonardo then pulled away from her and pointed at Y/N. "We can't just escort her like this! Don't you remember that old man Zinzolin say not  to have the intruders unharmed!"  Petra stared at him and frowned. "...But where are we going to get clean clothing?,"  she asked improbable. He thought for a moment and looked back at the bloody trainer who looked at them perturbed.

"...I have an idea."

Y/N stared at the Team Plasma clothing in front of her.

After getting out of the narrow hole, they wait for the trainer to change behind a blue boulder that hid her just enough. Petra paced back and fourth impatient and anxious. "Why in the world am I agreeing to this!? If any of our commanders find out then we'll have our  ranks dropped!"  Leonardo tried to calm her down while Y/N ignored them, slowly changing into the uniform.

I just wanted to revisit the towns and cities but here I am getting naked behind a rock to change into a Team Plasma uniform. Hugh would definitely not approve at all.

After stepping out Leonardo gasped amazed. "¡Qué hermosa!  Oh, I just want  to eat you up~!"  Petra smacked him in the head and turned to Y/N while ignoring his cursing. She handed back her original clothes.

"Here's the plan kid,"  Petra started to explain, "you'll wear these clothes until we get  to your friends. For now act like your part of Team Plasma so no shenanigans, okay?"  Y/N nods. She was going to "stick" to the plan. 

Having a plan to save Hugh, Clay and their pokemon in the end will cause dramatic circumstances. 

As  she followed them through Chargestone Cave, she wondered about N. Where is he? Is he still inside the cave? Or was this a plan to get her here and get capture? But why would he...

"Gah!,"  Y/N angrily hollered. Petra and Leonardo confusedly looked at her, her face becoming red. All these thoughts around this guy made her question her decisions. But why can't she stop thinking about him? Was it his green hair? The way he speaks? Or his weird one letter name?

Is it even his real name?

All of a sudden, a strong yellow beam strike the concrete floor near Y/N and stunning everyone. She fell to the ground and hit her head causing her to faint. The worried grunts looked around and saw N and his Zoroark standing a few feet away from them, his face menacing and filled with rage.

He walked towards with Zoroark besides him. "...Lead me to Y/N and her friends,"  N said coldly but furious. He tried his best to stay calm but everyone could notice his concern. Leonardo glared angrily at him and walked towards N surprising Petra. She stared worriedly and wondered if she should intervene.

"...My lord N,"  Leonardo said with no remorse, "she's right here in front of you..."

"...laying on the ground."

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