7. Lost Pokemon

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(Image Credit: LittleMads on DeviantArt)

Six Years Ago

"Hey! Leave it alone!" 

The little girl stood in front of Pawniard, who was getting teased and bullied by a group with a blue Pawniard, a Garbodor, and a Liepard. Pawniard, on the ground, was a bit surprised that a human was helping it. The blue Pawniard shook its head and left, not wanting to mess with the Riolu who was besides the small trainer. The other pokemon bullies followed. 

The little girl got close to the injured Pawniard, who scooted back a little in suspicion. "I won't hurt you, I just wanna help!," said the little girl with a big smile. "Hi, my name is Y/N! Let me take you to the Pokemon Center! Have you heard about it? It's a place where pokemon get heal up in no time! The person who runs it is super nice!"  

Pawniard stared at the girl, and then at Riolu and Oshawott. Pawniard decided to take the kind offer. It's not like it wanted to stay here anyways. It was just kicked out of its group, so maybe finding another group later would be better.

However, bonding with the girl and realized how happy he was with her made it realized something. Not too shorty after, Pawniard became one of  Y/N's pokemon. 

One night, Pawniard stared at the sky which was full of stars. He didn't realize that Y/N woke up and was heading towards the pokemon. She sat down next to him on the porch of her parents home. "Hey Pawniard, I'm going to make a promise to you and the others. I promise to make you all strong! And if we're really strong, then maybe we can challenge the Elite Four! Did you know that Grimsley has a Bisharp? Too cool!"  

Pawniard agreed. He did want to get strong and make Y/N proud.

But that was until Team Plasma captured Pawniard. He tried to help Y/N, but couldn't do anything rather than see her cry, begging to give her back her pokemon from his view inside a cage. Both Riolu and Oshawott were knocked out, so they couldn't help either. "Scram stupid girl! Your pokemon is already Team Plasma's!  Don't make us steal more of your pokemon!" 

Before she could try to stop them again, her brother, angry at Team Plasma's actions, grabbed her hand and ran away.

Back at home, she never stopped crying. Everyone tried to comfort her, but nothing worked. Hugh would bring her rice balls, but she wouldn't eat them. Cheren would bring her favorite books, but she wouldn't read them. Bianca would bring her cute Lillipup, but Y/N was never interested. Even Alder would tell her stories that she was always interested in. But she was never in the mood. All she wanted was to see her Pawniard again. 

Xier was very angry. He hated Team Plasma. He hated that they took Pawniard. He hated seeing his little sister cry. He and his Ralts, who was given to him by mom and dad, wanted to get strong. 

So he decided when he grows up, to become a gym leader.

To never lose to anyone ever again for Y/N.

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