3. Terrible Encounter

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(Image Credit: Chibiterasuchan on zerochan)

"Damn, you were really strong! But me and my pokemon will win next time and get that badge for sure!"

Another day, another loss for the challengers. Y/N stared annoyed as she saw Xier and the trainer shake hands, the trainer leaving without the victory. Xier patted Gallade on the shoulder proudly and handed him a cookie, which Gallade gladly took. He turned to his sister, confused on her expressions. "Why so gloomy? Aren't you happy for your big brother?," he said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, heading towards the garden. "You always win Xier. For once, I would like to see someone defeat you, wiping off your cocky attitude."  

He watched her leave the gym and sighed, not understanding.

Y/N silently watered the flowers, their petals full of color. Samurott was by her side, also watering the flowers by gently spraying water from his mouth. She watched him and giggled. "I'm glad you're not using your strong Hydro Pump, or you would have wiped the entire garden."  Samurott looked at her bashful. 

Suddenly, her stomach grumbled.

"...Ah, that's right, I didn't get to eat breakfast since I had to be the battle judge for the gym." Y/N placed down the watering can, wiping off sweat off her forehead. She turned to her pokemon. "What do you say we get some takeout? I bet you and the others would like some poke puffs as well."  Samurott's eyes widened and nodded his head quickly.

They walked around in Floccesy Town, deciding which shop to head over to. They had already gotten the poke puffs for the pokemon; spicy puffs for Lucario, sour puffs for Gallade, and as for Samurott, he didn't have a favorite nor dislike any flavors.

Y/N looked around carefully, her thoughts covered in food selections. "White rice with orange chicken, some hamburgers, or maybe some grilled cheese sandwiches?" She then bumped into Samurott, who suddenly stopped walking. He looked around in a concerned manner, making somewhat growling noises. She stared at him confused and looked around. They were right in front of the Floccesy Ranch, owned by people that she knew. "...What's wrong? Are you mad that we passed by Alder's home? I'm sorry, I didn't realize. We can vi-"


Y/N's eyes widened. She looked away from Samurott and noticed an unexpected yellow beam heading towards them quickly. She dropped the poke puffs and knelt down, covering her head. She closed her eyes, waiting for the painful impact. Quickly Samurott got right in front of her however, taking mostly of the hit. Y/N noticed and held onto him, stunned and worried.

"S-Samurott! Why did you..." Suddenly she heard footsteps heading towards her. She looked up anxiously and saw a Team Plasma grunt along with their Bisharp looking down on her. The grunt crossed his arms. "Great, we only attacked the pokemon! Stupid trainer," he said irritated. Y/N frowned angrily, but she was more concerned for her pokemon who was struggling to get up. 

"Don't you dare come any closer!," she yelled. "I know what you're going to do and I won't allow it!"  The grunt rolled his eyes, stepping closer to them. "What? Me stealing your pokemon? I mean, it's quite obvious that I'm going to do that. That's my job."  He walked closer and closer, ignoring Samurott's growls. The grunt smirked, and grabbed Y/N's arm.

"I suggest you give it up, or deal with my Bisharp's blades."

Y/N pulled away, shouting for help. The grunt let go of her and glared at her angrily. "Fine, have it your way! Bisharp, use Metal Cl-"


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