2. Pokemon Center Shenanigan

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(Image Credit: Louisetrations on DeviantArt)

Y/N's face went white. She quickly ran towards Lucario and knelt down, glaring at her brother.  "Seriously?! Instead of helping, you brag about your victory?," she said angrily.  Xier rolled his eyes. "Calm down Y/N. What do you think pokemon battling is?"  "I know what pokemon battling is, but Gallade did it way too brutal! Oh, where is his pokeball..?"  She rumbled inside her bag and finally took out his pokeball. She thanked Lucario before sending him back in the contraption. She got up and shouted for Samurott, who came out of the house confused.

She kept her glare at Xier.  "That attack boost was too much for Lucario to handle. I'm going to the Pokemon Center. Let's go Samurott."  She turned to walk away, leaving the garden. Gallade turned to his trainer, feeling bad about the situation. Xier sighed, scratching his head.

"...It's not your fault Gallade. She just worries too much. Just scared of loosing another pokemon."

Y/N ran to the Pokemon Center worried and anxious. Along the way she ignored the hellos and greetings. Xier being a new gym leader, she and him were publicly well known, which bothered her a bit since she had nothing to do with it but only to be the little sister of a pokemon gym leader.

When she got to the pokemon center, she saw Nurse Joy and Chansey going over files on the counter. She noticed Y/N and greeted her with a smile.  "Why, hello Y/N! What can I do for you?," Nurse Joy said sweetly. Y/N quickly pulled out the pokeball in shame. "Please help Lucario! Me and my brother had a battle. It...it didn't end well."  Nurse Joy nodded understandably and turned to Chansey.

"Chansey, please get a room ready!"

While Lucario was being taken cared of, they waited outside the Pokemon Center, sitting down on the dirt floor. Being in a Pokemon Center overwhelmed Y/N, so she decided to just wait outside of the building. Samurott waited with her, his head laying on her lap. "I knew I shouldn't have battled that idiot," she said tiredly. She gently petted and scratched Samurott's head, feeling his whiskers. "...Lucario deserves a better trainer, don't you think? He never listens to me, he looks up to strong trainers like Xier, he..."  Samurott quickly nudge Y/N's arm, hoping to stop her of thinking such a thing. Her eyes widened, and then she giggled.

"Right, I need to calm down and just hope that Lucario is okay." 

"Hey sleeping idiot, wake up." 

Y/N slowly opened her eyes, still a bit dazed. She noticed she was facing a pair of blue legs. She rubbed her eyes and looked up. It was her friend Hugh, who was looking down on her silently. Y/N yawned, resting her head against Samurott. "Is Lucario..fine...?," she said tiredly. Hugh rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the shoulders, lifting her up. "C'mon, wake up Y/N. We need to talk."  She sighed, trying her best to pay attention. 

"Yes, what is it..?," she said, still tired. Hugh sighed.

Suddenly Nurse Joy appeared right behind them. "Y/N, Lucario is doing just fine! He can be sent back today with only a few bandages-"  She stopped talking, seeming to be intruding. Hugh realized how the situation looked with him holding Y/N close to him and quickly pulled away. She stared at him confused but turned to Nurse Joy in relief.  

"Thank you so much Nurse Joy. I'll be there in a minute."  Nurse Joy nods and heads back inside, thinking about something else. Hugh scratched his face, obviously embarrassed. She gave him a concerned look. "So, you wanted to talk?," she asked. Hugh stared at her and sighed, shaking his head. "...Never mind that. Just, stay alert Y/N. I heard that a Team Plasma grunt was spotted around here lurking."  She smiled and nodded, heading inside.

"Well, let's go and see how Lucario is doing."

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