Epilogue Part 1: Awaken

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Epilogue Part 1: Awaken

  I was starving, tired and had cuts all over me from stupid mistakes I had made because I was tired. I was shivering. I couldn't make a fire. I had too many injuries on my hands to try to make one. I held my assault rifle close to me while I leaned up against a tree. I had been out here for two weeks and I was about to lose it. My eyes were getting heavy and I was caving in. I heard a few footsteps but thought that was my imagination playing tricks on me. Before I closed my eyes, I saw a man coming towards me with a group behind him. He had run over to me and said something but my hearing went numb as I fell asleep.

  I started to blink, my vision a blur. I looked around, not familiar with my surroundings. I heard a few voices around me but nothing was clear. I started to move my head when I heard loud and clear.

“Don't move, Shepard. See, I told she wasn't ready.” a female voice said

“Fine, I'll give her another shot.” a male voice said

“You better. It looks like your numbers are wrong.”

  I felt a slight pinch in my arm and then I was out again.

  Radiations is what they told me gave me my biotic powers. I did what I had to with it, but nothing really big. A man named Captain Raymond had found me a year ago. I still had scars to remind me of what happened back then. Back at Faranormen. I think it was those creatures that gave me these biotic powers that I didn't want. They gave them to me. They gave me a lot of things that I didn't want, but I dealt. I still am.

  I woke up. I groaned as I did. I was still in pain from whatever happened. I tried to sit up but it didn't work. I heard a voice say something and then someone came rushing over to me. I turned my head to their direction.

“Miss Shepard, can you hear me?”

  I nodded my head and swallowed, “Yeah.”

“How are you?”

  I looked over to the woman. A doctor or a nurse, “About as good as it gets.”

  She smiled and then nodded her head, “I just need to do a few things. I recommend that you get some sleep.”

  I looked over to her and took her advice and rested. When I woke up again, I looked around and saw someone in a seat by my bed. I looked over to them and then smiled. They got up and moved their chair closer to me. They set their hand on mine. I looked over to then.


"Shepard, how are you feeling?"

  I groaned as I moved around so that I could see the Captain better, "About as good as anyone in my condition can get." I looked over to him, "If you don't mind me asking; what happened?"

  He looked away from me then looked back to me, "A lot happened, Shepard. You've been out for two years." He swallowed, "You should be dead."

  I nodded my head, "I think I was."

"At least you get a second chance at life. The Council got the best scientist and doctors working on you for the past two years and the next year that is to come."

  I looked to him, "Don't tell me I'm stuck here for a year."

"Sorry, Shepard. The Council is keeping this secret. They even marked your file as dead."

  I shook my head, "What kind of shit-hole has the Council gotten themselves into?"

  He chuckled, "A big one."

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