Chapter 6: Visions

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Chapter 6: Visions

 We followed Aada through the hallways. So far, those things hadn’t popped up again and it was starting to worry me. I kept my assault rifle up and ready. Kris and Bailey were thinking the same thing. We watched our step. There were bodies everywhere. I looked around the hallway, blood covering the walls, the remainder of people all over the place. On the ceiling, on the walls, on the other dead bodies. It was a horror movie come to life. I started to hear those things crawling through the vent.

“Get ready, they’re coming.”

 Aada looked over to me, “What? What do you mean?!”

 I looked over to her, “Take cover.”

 She did as I asked. The three of us were getting ready for when they were going to pop out from the vents. We waiting in position for a few seconds before a big one popped out from the vents, we started to shoot at it’s arms and legs. We all took cover. This must have been a Velumus at one point. It was huge about twice the size of a normal Velumus which is about twice as big as a human in the first place. It had bulky arms and legs. I threw a grenade at it and it exploded but did little damage to the creature.

 Its anger grew with every shot we took at it. It eventually started to run at us. I got out my shotgun and started to shoot at it hoping to do some damage to it. I got one arm off. One more to go. It came running over to us and then headed towards Kris. Kris fired at it but the creature picked him up and pushed him against the ceiling. The creature grabbed him by the neck and his big hands were three times the size of his neck. Bailey and I started to shoot at his arm but we didn’t have much time left. I ran up to him and jumped up and stuck a grenade in his shoulder. I jumped up and stuck another one in his shoulder.

 He dropped Kris and started to head towards me. I exploded the bombs and his arm blew up, blood going everywhere. The creature screamed and then fell to the ground. I walked over to Kris while Bailey took care of the creature. She stomped on it’s neck and then shot its head a few time. I help Kris up. He coughed and then looked up to me.

“Thanks, Commander.”

 I helped him up and picked up his gun for him. I walked over and handed it to him. He smiled to me as we continued on. I went over to Aada and motioned for her to come along. I looked at the screen on my gun, I was about to overheat. I had to give my gun some time to cool down. I put my shotgun back and got back out my assault rifle. We walked down a few more hallways before we made it the door. Before we went around the corner, I told everybody to stay back. I peaked my head around the corner and of course. Those creatures were guarding the door. We moved a bit away from the door.

“They’re guarding the door. There’s no way, we’re going to make it through without going through a hell of a fight.” I whispered, I looked over to Aada, “Is there any other way we can get in there?”

 Aada shook her head, “The only other way is through the vents.”

“I don’t want to go in the vents if that’s where those things are crawling!” Bailey said

“Shh,” I looked to the group, “We don’t have those types of options. It’s either kill them at the door and probably expect a stampede of them or head into the vents.”

“I don’t know if I like the vents option. We can’t pull out our guns in there. We would be completely defenseless.” Kris stated

“Yeah, but if we go and attack them, we can expect a good twenty of them to attack us.” Bailey replied back

 I looked to them, “Shut up, will you!” I sighed, “Let me think for a second.”

 I paced back and forth before I stopped and touched my grenade pouch. I only have one left. I walked over to the group, “Aada, can you shoot a gun?”

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