Chapter 7: Exercise

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Chapter 7: Exercise

 I made my way to the meeting room. Once I got in there, Jedi called me on the intercom.

“High Three is calling. Want me to patch them through?”

“Yes, Jedi. I need to tell them what went down.”

 I stood in front of the three holograms and waited for the High Three to appear. They appeared a second later.

“We’ve read your report.” Aleah said

“We saw you mentioned a beacon being watched.” Uri stated

 I nodded my head, “They’ve had it there for a while. I’m surprised it didn’t start turning people until now.”

“We also saw you found a survivor. A scientist by the name of Aada.” Aleah said

 I nodded my head, “Yes, we found her in a secure room by herself. It was a miracle she was still alive. Everybody else at the facility was dead or turned into one of those creatures.”

“We saw in your report that you watched it rise a dead person. How did it do this?” Sauron asked

“These creatures travel through the vents. One came out through the vents and walked over to this dead man and by a slight touch, he started to move and get up. In a matter of twenty seconds this dead man became one of them.”

 They all nodded their heads, “We also saw that you mentioned a vision from the beacon. We don’t really know what to make of this.” Aleah said

“Not much to mention, the beacon had got me into it’s pull and then it burned this vision into my brain. It looks as if it might be a warning, but I can’t make it out.”

 They nodded their heads, “We’re going to have to ignore this part of your report.”

“Why!? Everybody else believes me!”

“Yes, but in order for us to act upon something, we need evidence to prove yourself right. This is why we sent you on that last task before making our decision about you, Shepard.” said Uri

 I nodded my head, “Alright, I understand.”

“Good, we hoped you would. Where will you be going next?” Sauron asked

 I looked to them and then shook my head, “I’m not sure. I’ll have to do some research to find out.”

 They all nodded their heads, “Good luck, Shepard.” Aleah said

 The call ended and then I went and sat down in one of the chairs. I leaned back and then took in a deep breath. I thought for a second about where to go next. I got up and then headed out of the meeting room and then headed to the galaxy map. I found Adrilles and sent the coordinates to Jedi. I zoomed out and then headed to the front of the ship.

“Heya, Commander. What can I do for you? I got the coordinates by the way.”

 I nodded my head, “Good. I just wanted to see what’s going on with you.”

 He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m fine. How are you? I heard a few rumours going around.”

 I looked to him, “What kind of rumours, Jedi?”

“Oh you know, that you and Lieutenant have a thing going on.”

 I raised a brow, “There’s also a rumour that you masturbate in the bathrooms when I go off the ship.”

 Jedi looked up to me, “Do you really believe that?”

 I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know, you tell me.”

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