Chapter 3: Zergerflagon And Tan'kel

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Chapter 3: Zergerflagon And Tan'kel

“How are we going to narrow it down and find the person responsible?” I asked

 Nolan shrugged his shoulders, “You could install the software and then find anybody with the software installed into their omni-tool. Then you can look into their previous history.”

 I blinked at him and then waved my hand and turned around, “You can do it. You seem to know what you are doing.”

 He nodded his head, “Alright. I’ll start the software now. It might take a bit.”

 I nodded my head, where could I go in the mean time? My omni-tool started beeping. I looked down and saw I was getting paged from the Captain. I radioed him back.

“Hello, Captain.”

“Commander, how’s it going? Have you found the person responsible?”

 I looked around, “No, we’re still looking.”

“You might want to hurry it up, Commander. You only have a half an hour left on the clock.”

“Do you not realize that I know this? I’m working on it.”

 There was a pause before he spoke up again, “They want you down in the academy. They caught someone who might be of interest.”

“Alright, heading down there now.”

 I looked to Lieutenant and nodded my head towards the fast travel station. We walked over as I hung up on the Capitan. This better be good or else.

*   *   *

 Once we got down to the academy, we headed straight for the main area. Once we got there, a group of men surrounded a Velumus. I was assuming it was the same one we had just saw back at the strip club. I walked over and then put both my hands on my hip.

“What’s going on here?"

“This Velumus is on his last warning.” said the main chief

 I looked to him and then to the Velumus, “And I assume this Velumus has a name.”


 I raised a brow, “How about I call you, Zerg?”

 He nodded his head, “Now, what would you like with me, human?”

“The human has a name.”

 He grinned and then nodded his head, “The names, Shepard.”

“Shepard, how nice.”

 I rolled my eyes and then looked to the men, “You’re free to leave. I’ll deal with Zerg here.”

“But . . . Commander.”

 I put up my hand, “I said I’ll deal with him. Go and deal with something more important.”

 He nodded his head and walked off. I turned to look back to Zerg, “We saw you at the strip club.”

 He nodded his head, “Yeah, and?”

“What do you have against Daft?” Lieutenant asked

 Zerg crossed his arms and looked to us, “I have a job to do.”

 I raised a brow, I opened my mouth to say something but then I was getting paged. I clicked my radio on and then started to talk.

“Yes Captain?”

“How are things going down at the academy?”

 I looked over to Zerg and then turned around and started to walk away, “I think that we may have another squad member.”

Scylla  *CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin