Chapter 11: Zomia

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Chapter 11: Zomia

  I took off my armour and headed to my quarters and read the file I found. Not much to it, just explain in more detail the change from a human or dead human to one of these creatures. I sighed and wrote up my report. There wasn’t much to tell the crew and decided that today, we won’t have a meeting. It will be a calmer afternoon, but that might be hard after what happened. I stayed on my computer until Jedi said the High Three were calling. I told him to patch them through and walked to the meeting room. I stood in front of the three holograms.

“Shepard.” Sauron said

  I nodded my head, as Aleah spoke, “We noticed there wasn’t much in your report.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, “Not much to say. We destroyed the beacon. That’s it.”

  They nodded their heads and then looked at each other, “We have one more mission for you.”

  I looked to them and stood a bit taller and waited for them to tell me. There was silence between us. This can’t be good. I looked to them a bit longer before Uri sighed and looked to me.

“We got a weak call from Zomia. We wanted you to go and check it out.”

  I stood in silence before I looked to them and then nodded my head, “I’ll go.” I whispered

“Shepard, you don’t have-” Aleah said

“No, I want to. I need to go back and face my fears.”

  They nodded their heads, “Only if you’re sure, Shepard. We will gladly send someone else out there.” Sauron said

  I looked to him, “Are you saying that I’m not best fit for this?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “With what happened last time on Zomia, it’s hard to tell what might go down now.”

“I’ll head over there as soon as I can.”

  They nodded their heads and I ended the call. I fell back into one of the seats and sighed. I closed my eyes and then took in a deep breath. I heard the door open. I sat up and looked to the door. It was Farcus. I looked to him and stood up.

“What can I do for you?”

“I want to tell you something.”

  I motioned to a seat and he sat down. I sat down beside him and looked to him. He took in a deep breath and then looked over to me.

“What happened back there, was not the worst thing ever. It was just frightening.”

  I looked to him, “Why? What happened before?”

  He sighed, “It was my first year as a Reliquum and I was on my first mission. It was pretty exciting actually. My first mission of a lifelong career. The mission was to infiltrate a ship carrying illegal cargo and take it down. So, we did just that. We got on our ship and headed to this other one. We did our mission but what we didn’t know, was that there was a whole group of pirates waiting for us and knocked us on the head. We all past out.”

  He swallowed and then continued, “When I woke up, I had a knife up to my throat and a few pirates interrogating me. I didn’t answer any of their questions and every time I didn’t the main pirate got angry and angrier at me. He had told his friend to slit my throat but as soon as he gave his friend those orders, a group of Apex military busted through and saved my life.”

“Wow, so this wasn’t even the worst thing that has happened to you.”

  He shook his head, “No, not even close, but that was one experience that I will never forget.”

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