Chapter 12: Lost

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Chapter 12: Lost

"Alright, men. We're going to go in there. I'm not going to lie, but most of us won't be making it out of there. I know, it's a scary thought, but it's the truth. I know all you are standing here, knowing the odds and still willing to risk your life. That's what counts here. Whoever does survive, you'll be known as a hero of war. We are changing history here, men." He paused and looked to his group of soldiers, "It's been an honour fighting beside all of you. I hope to be alive to tell the tale."

He turned around and looked to me. I motioned for Bailey to join him. She turned to Kris and I.

"Good luck out there." She turned to me, "It's been an honour fighting beside you, Commander." She turned to Kris, "You too, Lieutenant."

I put a hand on her arm, "You're strong, and you'll make it out of there."

She sighed, "I know, but if I don't . . ."

I nodded my head as I already knew what she wanted to say. She looked to me in thanks and then headed off with the Captain and his group of men. I turned to Kris and then motioned for him to come along. I called to Farcus for him to come along with me. The rest headed on the ship and we would meet with them later. We started to headed towards the facilities. The Captain radioed me.

"Commander, can you read me?"

"Loud and clear."

"We're coming up close to the front. Where are you?"

"Sneaking around the back. I'll let you know when we get inside."

I turned off my radio and then we moved forward. We got near an AA post. The post was crawling with creatures and we had to kill them off. They kept running towards us. I shot off their arms and watched them fall to the ground. We walked up the ramp and then headed to the controls and opened the gates for the Captain. I radioed him.

"Gates are activated."

"Alright, let's go men!"

I turned off my radio and we started to head over to the next AA post which would control the bridge to the facility. We made our way up the hill. We snuck up the hill to the next AA post and killed the creatures off without making much noise. We walked up and then turned on the bridge and then started to make our way to the facility. The bridge suddenly became filled with those creatures. We shot them down and threw a couple of grenades. They blew up to pieces and watched as their blood ran over the edge of the bridge.

They were full on attacking us. They were running towards us and in one leap, one had jumped on top of my men. I shot it down but within seconds he got back up and turned into one of them. I had to shoot him down as well. Once we were done with that group of them, we continued our way and I turned and not looking back. But I did.

Kris was standing right in front of me. I shook my head and looked to him with a confused look on my face.

"You had stopped, Commander."

I looked around and saw that I was standing right in the spot I had shot my guy. I shook my head and hurried away. I swallowed and then made our way to the facility. When we got there, Velumus' were shooting at us. We shot at them and then I knew that if I had brought Zerg, he would have never been able to do this. I think I made a right choice. We started to shoot them down but they kept getting up. Our guns were overheating and they were running towards us. I threw a few grenades and then blew them up, most of them ended up in pieces all around us while whoever was left, we easily shot them down.

We ran over to an entrance of the facility and it let us through. We looked around and then ducked in cover. The creatures and the Velumus' were both aiming at us. Some of the creatures that were spitting acid had gone by me but didn't burn my armour. I kept hearing commands that Bailey was giving to the team through the radio. They sounded like they were holding up but it also sounded like they were taking heavy fire. With a mix of the Velumus and the creatures; this is going to be a hard battle.

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