Chapter 1

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The cold hardwood floor was pressed against my face as I rolled over. Groaning I lay on my back and slowly open my eyes. My twin sister, Lauren, was standing above me with her arms crossed.

"Why can't you listen?" She said in a tone parents use to scold their kids. "I told you half an hour ago to get up. We only have forty-five minutes until we have to leave."

She walked out of my room, slamming the door in the process. I peeled myself of the floor and walked into the bathroom. I washed my hair in the sink and did my makeup. My hair was a fiery red that was naturally curly. Lauren was just the same, but her hair was straight.

I walked into my closet and threw clothes around until finding the perfect outfit. A black crop top, jean capris, diamond heels, and my favorite leather jacket.

Walking down the stairs of the pack house, I put my hair in a fish tail braid. I could say I had a perfect life, but I would be lying. It is as perfect as any life could be when you are a werewolf twin.

My boyfriend, Hunter, was waiting on me when I got to the bottom. He pulled me into a passionate kiss and swung me around in a circle before putting me back on the ground.

"Good morning my beautiful baby." Hunter said pulling me close to him.

"Good morning to you too my beautiful boo." I pulled his face to me and kissed him hard. His arms wrapped around me and I was glued to his amazing body.

Every morning this would happen and Lauren would ruin it. And on time she said, "Ew. Will you two hurry up with the make out sesh? I have to get to school."

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Let's go princess Laney." My sister bowed to add a dramatic effect.

We walked into school and everybody looked at me. What was going on?

"I will see you at lunch babe." Hunter said and kissed me on the cheek. Before he left he squeezed my butt and winked at me. It always got to me and I blushed.

Megan, my best friend, walked up to me squealing. "Holy crap girl! Did you hear?" Seeing my confused look she continued. "Sam Tatum is coming back! How exciting! Dude you were like in love with him and now he's coming back."

She kept talking but I blocked it out as we walked to home room. We sat in the front and everybody tried to talk to me.

"You can stop dating that lame guy you are dating now and get Sam back!" A random girl said. I growled and they stepped back. Nobody messed with me. And now they bring Hunter into this.

Mr. Chase walked into the classroom and everything went silent. If you wanted to live, you didn't talk while he talked.

"Good morning class. I hope you are doing well on your project. Please sit with your team or partner and get started with today's work."

We had been working for almost twenty minutes when the phone rang. I always got the phone when Mr. Chase was busy with other students.

"Hello? Student speaking."

"I need someone to come down and grab a new student for me. Oh and Laney? I suggest that it be someone close to you." He hung up after that.

I told the class what the principle said and the class erupted into a wave of hands and yells. Mr. Chase looked up. I was the only one that didn't jump up shouting for his attention.

His eyes landed on me. His whole body shifted and his muscles flexed. "Laney. Please do the honor."

As he said that everybody looked at me. I stood up. My diamond encrusted heels clicked on the floor as I walked to the front of the room. He wrote me a note and I walked to the office.

My stomach started to get tingly. My head started to get dizzy and I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom. My now empty stomach got flushed away with all of the color in my face. I cleaned myself up and pushed the bathroom door open.

Once I got to the office i stopped and took a breath, pushed the door open and walked in. The office ladies greeted me. "Well hello Laney. How are you? You look a little pale."

"I'm just a little lightheaded." My eyes felt like they were going to burst.

She looked skeptical, but nodded anyways. I walked to the principals door and knocked. I heard a 'come in'.

I slowly opened the door. I went to walk in and almost fell. My heels hit each other and both the principal and the new kid looked up at me.

"Miss Grace. What a pleasant surprise. You are here for Sam, I presume?" I nodded and looked at Sam.

His brown hair and strong, defined muscles were still the same. Maybe a little bigger. The black shirt that he was wearing made it all the more desirable. And looks about 6'2".

I cleared my throat. Sam was my best friend and boyfriend the first years of high school. Now he's back senior year.

The principal gave me his schedule and locker number. Then sent us to class. While we were walking he spoke, "Hey Laney. I'm really sorry about what happened. I'm single you know. So we could try it again."

I scowled at him. "Do you really think I'm mad about you breaking up with me? No. I'm mad about you leaving then cheating on me! You could have at least told me it was over before you left."

I was fuming. I couldn't control my anger. "I said I was sorry."

"Sorry? You are impossible! Besides I have a boyfriend." I stomped off to class when I was yanked back by Sam. Fireworks shot up my back and through my stomach. I couldn't breath. He was my mate.

'Oh my god! It's him!' My wolf yelled.

I pushed him away. And stared at him. "So Mate." His voice made my heart pound against my chest. A smile started to pull its way onto my lips.

"I have a boyfriend." He smiled and kissed my cheek. My whole body went numb. Black spots came to my vision as my wolf and I fought for what we wanted. They overcame me an I passed out in the arms of my mate.


So this is chapter one! I hope you guys like it and read the rest of the book!

Love you all!





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