Chapter 3- Just an Act

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Chapter 3


Date: February 20th

Time: 5:29 a.m.

Location: Personal office, Guardian Base


The last piece had been welded on and now I held the small device under a giant magnifying glass wishing that my hands would stop shaking for once. They used to be so steady, but after everything they seemed to tremble. Part of me would like to believe that it was due to the trauma I’ve experienced over the years, the other part knew that I didn’t want to know the big secret.

A week had almost past since I set my focus on making an old invention, that had the possibility of failing completely, to find out what my friends were keeping from me. I had tried the direct approach and asked them what was actually going on a few days ago and they lied again. Apparently the only way to get answers, truthful ones at least, was to go all James Bond on them.

Satisfied that the device was complete I wrapped it around the shell of my ear and made sure that my hair covered it before turning it on. It gave a low hum, but didn’t blow up, which was a good start.

The Canine was a device that I decided to make when I noticed some of the cooler fictional creatures of the night had super hearing. While in movies people listened in on bugs they had planted around the area I wanted to take it one step further by having a device that picked up a conversation across a noisy ballroom. Finding the formula and the patience to find technology that would actually be compatible with sound waves took me the better part of a year to figure out. The Canine was the only invention other than EHID which took me months to complete. However, I never made said device until now, and had no clue if it worked.

After locking my office up I decided to walk through the halls wondering if I would be able to find anyone at nearly six in the morning. We may be hardened criminals, but we like to sleep in just like everyone else.

“I mean really!” The voice nearly shouted in my ear and I flinched as I struggled to turn down the volume. “I’m way more qualified to go on the covert mission than Jerry, but since Charlotte is all sweet on him I have to stay here!”

Standing at an intersection I look down each of the halls and finding them to be bare in all directions. Frowning I took a few steps in each direction and headed the right after the woman’s voice got louder that way.

15, 16, 17, I counted in my head wondering how long this range actually went.

“The prick can’t even dismantle a gun in under a minute,” The voice continued to complain.

“Neither can you,” Her companion replied and I heard her stutter.

28, 29, 30.

“Well, I’m still the better fighter,” She sighed loudly. 36,37,38. “Besides, none of this secrecy would be going on if we just had Aurora on board.”

Pause. Even a normal agent of the Guardians knew what was going on? How the hell could I not figure this out?

“Things would be easier,” Her companion agreed. “What are they so afraid of?”


“I mean they,”

I opened a door and found two people deep in discussion looking absolutely terrified at my sudden entrance. They both looked like they jumped out of a Hollywood high school cliché and were just missing the cheerleading uniforms to tie them in.

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