Chapter 13- Cheap Promises

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Chapter 13


Date: March 16th

Location: Caldwell Base

Time: 8:16 a.m.


I barely even finished signing my name before John plucked the contracts out of both Matt and I’s fingers and handed them to Caldwell. I had to swallow the irritation that built within me knowing that while John was still my friend, he would be loyal to Caldwell first.

It was still weird to see him interacting with Caldwell, seeming happy and content with this lifestyle. It was probably more stable than the one that was offered with us but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting.

From what I knew he took the job originally believing that it was the Lockstar we all knew and hated. He took the job to protect us and because he found out his sister wasn’t actually dead. They had held her hostage to use for negotiations later. Thankfully Caldwell got her away from the cruel members of Lockstar and wanted John to be a double agent.

His life seemed more 007 than anyone else’s.

“So what are we doing?” Matt asked with a clap of his hands.

No murders, no murders, no murders, I chanted inside my head. While my hands weren’t clean anymore of that crime I still wanted to avoid it. Ian got what he deserved, but that didn’t mean I was chomping at the bit to do it again.

“Crash a party,”

At that the chanting’s in my head stopped and I looked at Caldwell like he grew a second head and he just smiled at us.

“What?” Was all I managed to get out.

“Amelia Destler is hosting a party this weekend, filled with all the socialites,” Caldwell began. “She has some incriminating evidence on her computer. Before you interrupt Carter her computer cannot be copied or hacked into by another computer. You have to be on the original device.”

“You want us to steal a computer?” I questioned. That hardly seemed that dangerous, but knowing him there had to be a catch.

“Yes, but you see the place is monitored constantly 24/7 and if the computer leaves the room all the memory is erased.”

“I’ll just hack into it there then,” I merely replied and his smile only widened and I knew I gave the wrong answer.

“Not enough time, you need to get the computer out and leave a duplicate in its place.”

“And how are we supposed to do that if we don’t know what the computer looks like?” Matt questioned, clearly as lost as I was feeling.

“Well like Ms. Carter said, you guys are the best of the best, I’m sure you can figure it out,”

Oh joy.


Date: March 17th

Location: Caldwell Base

Time: 6:47 a.m.


After Caldwell briefed us on what needed to be done he led Matt and I to an empty room to work. It didn’t have some of the state of the art equipment I was used to back at the Guardian Base, but it was pretty nice.

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