Chapter 16- Don't Forget

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Chapter 16


Date: March 21st

Location: Destler House

Time: 8:10 p.m.


After looking down the barrel of a gun so many times you’d think one would get used to it, unfortunately that wasn’t the case. My hands grew a little sweaty and I tried to keep my composure and wondered for the billionth time why William wasn’t screaming in my ear telling me what to do.

“What the hell?” I questioned, but Eric’s charming demeanor was gone and was replaced by a cold glare I was used to getting.

“It’s very hard to get someone erased from the internet, practically impossible,” Eric explained. “Especially in Amelia’s case, but do you know what everyone thinks her last name is?”

“I’m guessing it’s not Destler,” I mumbled and wondered how in the world I could miss that.

Her husband George was a cautious man, which would make all the more sense for Amelia to be cautious too. She had to know that hackers would be scoping her out and probably left key information off of the internet. If she changed her last name she could let the public know and all her rich friends, the ones that would be here, would know. Considering how controversial the name Destler was I dug myself a grave.

My mind wandered back to the last time I was stuck in a bathroom about to be killed. The last time was about three years ago in a gas station bathroom while I was being taken to Lockstar. I had bested the guy by using a tampon dispenser and the door of the bathroom stall to knock him out. All I had in this bathroom were overly engraved bathroom towels and soap shaped like a dolphin.

“Who are you?”

Usually I was the one asking that question and was angered when I met a wall and they refused to cooperate. Now being on the other end, I could appreciate the value of the wall, because I knew before I could even finish my last name there would be a bullet embedded in my skull.

“No one,” At least that part was partially honest. I had erased myself from every electronic file in the world, excluding the one that showed my death. I was only known by stories and the grape vine.

“What are you doing here?” He asked and I know he meant to look threatening and with his imposing size he did, but I just found myself irritated.

I dealt with worse than him while they all held varying weapons at me. I was not going to be taken down by some hired man, even if he was hired by Destler. I was trained by Valentin and Ian, two assassins, along with the help of my friends and family. If he thought that I was just going to shrivel up, like I used to, he had another thing coming.

Quicker than even I could see I grabbed his wrist holding the gun and yanked it down. The awkward angle caused him to drop the weapon. He raised his right fist to hit me but I ducked at the last second making him hit the mirror. I heard his curse and the glass shatter and quickly jabbed him three times in the stomach and then once in the throat. He wheezed and crumpled slightly giving me a proper angle to hit him in the knee.

I heard a crunch and another curse as he went down and banged his head along the countertop of the sink. I quickly picked up the gun as he lay groaning on the ground and pointed it at his head. At that my hand stilled while my finger was touching the small curve that could end a life. He didn’t deserve this.

Before I could second guess myself or Eric got back on his feet I hit him hard on the head with the butt of the gun. His body slumped to the floor and I was quite proud of my work. Pulling him over to the toilet I positioned him in a way that if people came in, they would think he was throwing up.

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