Chapter 2- Renovations

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Chapter 2


Date: February 12th

Location: Guardians Base

Time: 5:47 a.m.


I woke up in a cold sweat and a scream echoing throughout the room while bolting straight up in the bed. For a moment I was panicked at the unfamiliar surroundings before remembering for the billionth time that I was not in Brazil anymore. Taking a few calming breaths I noticed that the arms that were usually around me to comfort me weren’t there.

Pushing back my hair I look around the room before another little reminder pops into my head that Valentin had a separate room from me. It was another ‘precautionary’ move although I think it was more of my parents trying to make up for the last 20 or so years of being out of my life. It was also so they and the others could spy on Valentin to make sure he wasn’t up to something, a fact that I still had mixed feelings about.

Iris’ reasoning for why Valentin and I had separate rooms was because she didn’t want us messing around and having a child out of wedlock. She then went on to try and give me ‘the talk’ even though I tried to block her ramblings out. Out of everything I had gone through, that had to be the most embarrassing and humiliating thing to go through.

Glancing over at the clock I figured it would be a good time to get out of bed and actually do something. Every time I tried to get involved or find out what was going on in the criminal world people kept brushing it off, saying that I still needed a few days to adjust. Well the few days were up and I was beginning to get antsy just milling around.

After I was dressed I headed out and went the familiar path to my office which was currently being renovated. Since the others knew I would be coming later than them they decided that my own personal space to do my hacker things could be one of the last things done. Unfortunately it was still in the process of being finished which further stalled me being able to do anything.

At this hour nobody was up and when I reached the door it still had the bright yellow tape over it which made my lips tug down into a frown. Was this place ever going to get done?

“Oh my god you’re Aura Carter,” Someone blurts out that had me turning around to see someone around my age looking at me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. “So you aren’t dead.”

“Um no,” I didn’t really know how to eloquently answer that response. A lot of people were murmuring it around the halls here and only a few came close to me to see if I was actually alive.

“That’s so cool, what are you doing now? What’s going on with Lockstar? Is it true that you have Levi being kept in a top secret cell?” They spouted question after question and looked like they didn’t even want to stop to take a breath which was quite evident when they’re face started turning purple.

“Calm down,” I didn’t really want someone fainting on me. “And I haven’t really been able to do much of anything without the office being finished or even a good computer.” That seemed to be the only safe question to answer as I didn’t tell anyone what happened to Levi, not even Valentin.

It was a condition that I had made with Levi’s father, Richard, in order to get protection while getting rid of a threat. Richard realized his son had gone off the deep end but that didn’t mean he wanted him dead, even though everyone on my side did want him six feet under. With Richard’s help I was able to capture Levi, well some men I hired did seeing as I was bleeding out on the floor at that moment. To make sure Richard kept his end of the deal with protecting me and my friends and family I locked Levi up in a secure location. I had a few people watching him and feeding him but no one had made contact with him since the night of the shooting, not even me.

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