Chapter 1: Stripped

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Chapter 1: Stripped

"Commander! How was your mission?" Captain Raymond asked

  I looked behind me and motioned my hand for the men to come on the ship. We had to get medical help soon, or our men won't be living to see tomorrow. The men walked in, some in pain and others had gotten laid on stretchers. The men that were fine, were carrying everybody in that got injured. The Captain looked behind me and then looked to me, displeased by this.

"What have you done?! You sacrificed their lives, and for what?! Did you even get what you were looking for?"

  I sighed, "No, this mission was a failure."

  He looked to me and then behind me to the men. I also turned around and then looked back to the Captain.

"That doesn't matter at the moment. If we don't get out of here soon -and fast I may add- we'll be those monsters supper. I suggest you lecture me later."

  I turned around and left before the Captain could say anything else. I walked out the ship and popped up the screen on my arm and pressed for my helmet to go on. I walked past the mass of men and then pulled out my assault rifle. I put my gun up and walked outside. The men walked past as I kept guard. Who knew when those things were going to come back. Everybody got on the ship and I was ready to head back when I heard that dreaded noise. Those monsters were back. I turned around as quickly as I could and started to shoot at them. I started to back up, even though I had my shields up, they might not protect me for long.

  I ran to the docking bridge to the ship and hid behind the wall. I turned around and shot them. I turned around and leaned against the wall again. I brought up my arm and turned on my radio and called the pilot of the ship, Jedi. I put my arm down and brought up my gun and turned around the corner and started to shoot the monsters again.

"What can I do for you, Commander?" asked Jedi

"Jedi! Get the ship started up and get it ready to fly. We need to leave! Now!"

"But you're not on the ship, Commander."

  I leaned against the wall, "Do as I say, Jedi! No questions!"

  I got no response after that. I turned around and started to shoot at them again. They were strong, but not strong enough. I shot at their limbs and they easily fell to the ground. One was running right towards me. I got out a grenade and rolled it over and then clicked the screen on my wrist and made it explode. I looked to the others. There was too many for me to fight. I leaned against the wall and put my radio on again and called Jedi.

"What's going on in there, Jedi?! We need to get going!"

"We're having problems, Commander. This ship isn't used to this weather and especially with being in this weather for so long-"

"Get the ship up and running! The least you can do is send out a couple of men! I can't handle these things by myself!"

"Got it, Commander."

  I turned around again and then shot at the walls. They were all facing something else. I looked over to where we had just come from a few minutes ago and a soldier was running out, being chased. I put my assault rifle away and got out my sniper. I leaned it on my shoulder and looked through the scope. I aimed for their heads. I shot and got one down. I reloaded and aimed again. Got the other son of a bitch. I leaned against the wall and put my sniper rifle away and pulled out my assault rifle. I turned around and aimed for the limbs. These things were not normal, nor were they human or anything I have ever seen. These things were nasty and ugly. They looked like they had once been human in some way.

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