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note: this is super short and slightly sad. Thank you for the 700+ reads! ily guys.

A deep sigh was heard throughout James Potter's room as he slowly pulled out of Milla Rosamund

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A deep sigh was heard throughout James Potter's room as he slowly pulled out of Milla Rosamund. The girl could only coo at the suddenly empty feeling he left. He stood up and walked stark naked towards his dresser where he got a small white towel, muttering "Aguamenti," to dampen it and proceeded to gently wipe her sensitive privates down to her inner thighs and cum-decorated stomach courtesy of him.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and they've been at it since eleven but still three rounds later they don't feel as satiated as they should. Perhaps it was the dreaded fact that sooner or later, whatever the fuck they were doing has got to stop.

"I'm hungry," she says to try and divert their attention to the pressing matter at hand. "Let's go on a trip to the Hufflepuffs', shall we?"

They say nothing as they slowly dressed and made their way our of their dorms. The walk was slow and quiet, James having his invisibility cloak in hand in case they run into Filch or someone else.

It was no secret that James Potter's date with Lily Evans had gone surprisingly well.

The whole school had been buzzing about it Saturday evening, and Milla didn't miss the smug grin Cormac had sent her way when he walked past her. Many were talking about how they had witnessed the couple share a kiss with butterbeer lining their lips and blushed the whole way back to the castle.

Milla could almost taste the said butterbeer in James' mouth when he sought her out the same night and fucked her; perhaps his way of celebrating.

They reached the kitchens in a few minutes time and she watched James tickle the pear to open the door. Inside, it was also alarmingly quiet, save for a few elves preparing the tools needed for the morning feast coming in a few hours. They greeted the workers politely and stated their own orders.

"Are we going to stop?" it had been Milla who broke the silence. She had just finished sucking her fingers clean from the chocolate muffin she devoured when she sighed heavily and spoke. The head boy beside her had sat up straight and looked at her with wide eyes and mouth, opening and closing like that of a fish. She lets out a quiet, humorless chuckle before speaking again, answering her own question. "We should probably stop."

He didn't say anything for a few moments, gathering their plates and placing them on a sink nearby. When he sat back down, he could only say three words. "I love Lily,"

Another chuckle left Milla's lips. "I know."

"But I'm also in love with what we're doing," he frowned, clenching his fists by his sides as if to help him gain control of the situation. "And if I even think about stoping, it's like it would physically hurt me."

She whispered this time. "I know."

Silence once again.

Milla took a deep breath before taking his hand. "Listen, Potter. If you're going to be with Evans, we can't keep seeing each other. Gryffindors are supposed to be loyal; live up to your house."


She cut him off by removing their intertwined hands. "This is it then. We're stopping this," he gave her a frustrated look that she deliberately ignored. "It's been fun," she almost cringed at her choice of words, and it was clear James had not appreciated them either by the glare he gave her.

"Yes," his tone had been biting, spitting out words. "Fun,"

Not much has been said after that. Perhaps there had been a few strained and angry kisses and reluctant stares before Milla shut the door to her room and was finally left alone.

She didn't ask Potter to make a choice, but somehow her mind was still screaming at him: 'choose me!'


Monday morning had been odd.

She didn't stop to stare at James' door like she usually does. She walked straight ahead and ignored the tugging of her mind to knock. In the great hall, she packed up a PB&J sandwich and two pieces of bacon in her ziplock bag before proceeding to the library to secretly eat. She tried to ignore the fact that the Marauders had been uncharacteristically quiet while eating their breakfast and that James was nowhere to be seen.

On her way out, she passed by the bespectacled boy and his new redhead lover holding hands while entering. She locked eyes with him for only exactly two point four seconds before looking down.

When she finally sat down on her first class for the day, being ten minutes early and one of the only people inside, she finally realized that she was back to her old routine when Cormac and her broke up.

Milla Rosamund was back to being the lonely head girl with no friends.

The connection Remus had been talking about had been pretty much nonexistent after that.


this has to happen. trust me.

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