twenty seven

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note: this was long overdue! sorry!
also: thank you for all the love, votes, reads, and comments this story has been receiving! seriously! 16k reads! ahhhhh!

note: this was long overdue! sorry! also: thank you for all the love, votes, reads, and comments this story has been receiving! seriously! 16k reads! ahhhhh!

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It wasn't until a week later that Milla noticed the semi-gradual change.

She had just finished getting ready, robe and tie in place, and was about to leave and head to the Great Hall. When she passed their mini common room, though, she saw something quite peculiar.

Not only was James awake before her, but he was also reading a textbook in Potions, back against the couch and feet propped up on the small coffee table in front of him. When he heard her emerge from her room, he glanced up and smiled, and then proceeded to pack his things up neatly. Milla stood watching him in awe.

"You heading to breakfast?" he inquired, stacking his book amongst the others on the table before stretching and standing up. Milla merely nodded in reply. "Cool, I'll come with,"

This happened everyday for the past week.

James would be on the couch each morning. He could be reading another book, or doing homework, or writing an essay, but he was always there. And, once Milla comes out from her room, he'll always finish up whatever it is he's doing and walk with her to the Great Hall.

She chose not to question him.

Of course, they had every class together, so it was a given to walk to class together. But James would start carrying Milla's things for her. At first, it was just a few books. And then it became all her books, and her purse, and sometimes when she brings one, her bag until she's completely empty-handed while James would struggle with his things and hers.

She figured he just decided on being a gentleman, however late it is into the year. Good changes are always welcome.

It was on Friday afternoon that she drew the line.

It had been weird enough that James offered to study in the library with her, but she let it slide. He got every book from the shelf for her, even the ones she was perfectly capable of reaching. And when they found a table, he pulled her chair up for her before taking his own seat. When her quill ran out of ink, he stood abruptly and offered to get her a new one from her office in their dorm— which was on the other side of the building. That's when she narrowed her eyes at him and told him to sit down.

"What did you do?" She questioned, not beating around the bush any longer.

His eyes widened, confused. "What do you mean 'what did I do'?"

"C'mon, James," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "You've been kissing my ass and sucking up to me since Monday morning. You must've done something."

"Kissing your ass?"

"Not literally!" Milla hissed, slapping his hand that was in her reach. "So, what did you do?"

He shook his head, smiling amusedly. "Nothing, Rosamund. Stop being paranoid. Now, do you want me to get you a refill for your ink or not?"

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