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note: Holy shit guys. Thank you so much for making this rank number one in Marauders fanfiction i'm literally crying. There were also other ranks as well and I can't thank you enough! and also, i really don't remember if i've used this same gif before lol. sorry.

Milla wished she didn't give in to James Potter

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Milla wished she didn't give in to James Potter. She really did. But the truth was she was to blame as much as the boy. They were both at fault. The worst part was she didn't even regret it. Not when he led her to her room, not when she let her hand drift from his back to his lap, not when they were taking off their clothes one by one, hell, not even when James ripped the sleeve of her robes. She was just so attracted to the guy, that the relief from his touch far outweighs the regret.

"Here," he sat soundly on the chair in front of her in the library, tossing her now fixed robe on the table. She clutched it and stuffed the clothing item in her bag before anyone looking could suspect what's happening. "I told you I'd fix it,"

She leaned over the table and pinched his cheek. "If you want to continue pursuing Evans, we have to keep things between us low-key."

He winked at her. "How low-key exactly is pinching my cheeks for everyone here to see?"

She rolls her eyes at him just in time for Sirius, Remus and Peter to walk over. Standing up, she faced the three boys and gave them each a hard pinch on the cheeks as well. "See? Very low-key,"

James only pulled a silly face at her as a response. His three friends looked at each other confusingly but shrugged it off.

Being in this... situation with James meant being around fairly often with his friends as well. Milla wasn't opposed to that; the Marauders, although masters of pranks and mischiefs, were in a way tolerable. Plus, it was nice to have people to talk to without the formality of being head girl or the awkwardness of unfamiliarity. The only thing she despised was the amount of attention hanging around the four got her. It didn't miss her ears when a few students would mutter unfriendly things when she walks by, even when there's nothing confirmed. It seemed like being friends with the boys is reason enough to dislike her.

"Milla," her eyes and widened at the familiar voice she began to dread. Turning around reluctantly, she sees Cormac with tensed jaw standing behind her. "Can we talk?"

James' eyes immediately searched for her's in alert, sitting up straight and it looked like he widened his shoulders to appear bigger and buffer. It didn't even matter, though. James was bigger than Cormac in every way possible. Height, built, coc— never mind.

She sighed irritatingly at the head boy before looking back at her ex boyfriend. He still looked gorgeous, but not in the heart-melting way Milla seemed to think when they were still together. His eyes sparkled in the natural lighting by the window, hair slightly wind-swept and cheeks flushed no doubt from the cold.


Milla finds herself wishing he wasn't such a social-climbing, pretentious, arsehole. Only he was, and she didn't really have the time for those type of people.

"What do you wan—" before she could finish her sentence, she found herself being led away from the marauders and into the next, unfortunately deserted aisle. Huffing, she yanked back her arm and crossed both in front of her chest. "What do you want?"

Cormac glared at her for a straight ten seconds before his eyes softened. "Is this your way of getting back at me?"

Milla threw her hands up in frustration before pointing a finger at the arsehole. "How many times do I have to tell you that not everything revolves around you?"

"You noticed that I was gradually becoming part of the popular crowd since we broke up and you start whoring around to the only group of people who could possibly be more popula—"

She didn't let the bastard finish. She just slapped the bloody hell out of him. She was pretty sure it would leave a mark. And she was also pretty sure that she heard cheers behind her. She turned around, confused, only to see the Marauders, but not quite. It's them, but only their floating heads were visible.


Their eyes widened before disappearing again in a second.

"What the fuck?" she said out loud.


Milla almost broke her quill when a heavy body plopped down on the couch beside her. It was a few minutes past six, and instead of eating dinner in the Great Hall, she decided to stay in the "common room" (really it's just a small space with a couch, fireplace and coffee table) of the head dorms to do her homework. Her surprise caused her to draw a long, jagged line across the parchment she's writing on.

Great. Now I have to start over.

"Potter," she growled playfully, slapping the boy's arm and ignoring his cheeky grin. That grin is dangerous for the female population.

"Rosamund," he acknowledged. "We don't have classes tomorrow. Why the bloody hell are you doing homework now?"

Basically, it was his way of saying 'get a life!' without offending her.

"I'd rather do this than sit in the great hall surrounded by drama queens and idiots who talk way too loudly and eat way too less." she scoffs, tossing her quill on the table and leaning her back against the velvet cover of the couch. "Besides, I'm not hungry." Just as she says this, her stomach gave an opposing growl.

James raised his brows, mocking her lightly, before reaching his hands into nowhere, carefully unwrapping something Milla couldn't see and suddenly, a thick cloak appeared in his hands and by his side of the couch, a tray with food good enough for five people.

She could only gasp at the sight. Seven years in a wizardry school and still, she reacts at magic like a certified muggle-born, which she was.

"It's an invisibility cloak," he says before putting the tray on his lap. "You should love me for this."

She tried to fight off a smile but seeing the boy toss a mozzarella stick in his mouth while crossing his eyes at her was too much. Her lips took action of their own and stretched widely. It was the biggest smile she gave him yet.

"Fine. Thank you," she mumbled, and before she could overthink, Milla pressed a light kiss on his cheek, making him tense for a moment before throwing crumbs her way.

He dusted off his fingers before handing her a plate. "So,"

"So?" she repeated his words, raising a brow at him.

"I think I'm going to ask Lily out for Hogsmeade again later, when the prefects come for the reports." He says casually while taking a napkin and reaching over to wipe the side of her lips as if it was a usual thing to do.

She hummed, but James wasn't sure if it was an answer to his statement or a reaction to the savory taste of the steak she had in her mouth. "You go do that," she nods at him before leaning so that her back was pressed against his chest.

They proceeded to eat dinner with small talk, both trying to ignore the fact that the welcomed warmth that their bodies deliver to each other had been almost as intimate as their sexual endeavors.


we're getting there, peeps, we're getting there.

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