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note: initially this was a very long chapter but i've decided to cut it into two. also, i really don't know how to narrate a quidditch game. lol.

The loud cheers from both the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindors were deafening

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The loud cheers from both the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindors were deafening. In James Potter's eyes, it was the perfect way to start off the season: with a proper game. Admittedly, he was still cautious about his two new teammates, being Cormac Dawson and Isla Sommers. The seeker, Isla, was only in fourth year, standing at 4 foot 11 inches which makes her very light and swift in the air. Dawson, on the other hand, was a buff seventh year like himself who James never really did took notice of. Mostly, the school knew him as the guy who dumped Head Girl, Rosamund. Now he's trying to show off to the lads and trying to act cool. James could only scoff at that thought.

He remembered quite vividly, a few minutes before the tryouts started Cormac had tried to approach him and Sirius in the changing rooms. They were trying—and failing— to discretely talk about Milla when the blonde walked by and casually told them with a proud smirk, "Rosamund? She's a good shag, that one. I'd stay away, though, she tends to get obssessive once you lay a finger on her."

Now, Sirius and James were pretty popular with the ladies, the former especially. But they never talk about their exes that crude way. The both of them still firmly believe that a true gentlemen never kiss and tell, or trash talk for that matter. They rolled their eyes at Cormac's retreating back and decided unconsciously that they will never be friends with the likes of him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our very own Isla Sommers has eyes on the snitch! Ravenclaw's Jaden Fox right on her tail the—oops! And Fox is down! You go around the stands, mate, not through them!" Owen Jordan's voice boomed across the quidditch pitch, making everyone chuckle. Still, though, everybody was growing restless. The score currently stood at 80-70 in favor of the lions. Even James, as cocky as he can get, could feel his muscles protesting with every move he makes on his broom.

Finally, after a grueling ten minutes of body torture, the commentator, Owen, announces, "And Isla Sommers has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!"

If James thought the cheers earlier were deafening, it doesn't compare to the applause he heard now. Although the Slytherins and Ravenclaws stood glum under the cool September air, the screams from both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were just as wild. Even James let out a yell. Steadily, he went down to the ground with his teammates on his tail. He shook hands with Madam Hootch before ruffling Sommers' hair in a proud and affectionate manner, causing the poor auburn-haired girl to blush furiously.

"Mate, you were awesome!" Remus yells before patting James in the back, Peter right behind him. "I think you scored more than half of the points before Isla caught the snitch!"

Sirius gasped and pouted, "Thanks, Moony, I appreciate the compliment."

"You were amazing too, Padfoot." Peter smiled lightly, making the drama queen fake a sniff and wrap his arms around the smaller boy.

"Thank you, Peter. You're the only reliable friend these days."

James rolled his eyes at Sirius' fake tears and nodded to the castle. "Well c'mon now, lovebirds, we have a celebration party waiting for us in the common room. After all, we won the first game of the term!"

Another round of cheers was heard as the four best friends, along with a few Gryffindors and the team made their way back to the castle.


"I hate this party."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Sirius, you've only been here for an hour and a half."

The long-haired boy pouted even more if possible. "Yes, but an hour and a half is enough to know that this is a lame-arse celebration party and our house could've done better."

James, who was preoccupied with staring at Lily Evans who was talking to her friends across the room, decided to butt in. "Well blame the fifth years, then. It's their turn to organize this whole thing. Amateurs, if you ask me." The bespectacled boy took a huge burning gulp from his firewhiskey. "I'm going to talk to Evans."

His two best friends shook their heads simultaneously. "Please don't," Sirius pleaded.

"You'll only get rejected. Again." Remus added. "Seriously—"

Padfoot cut him off with a grin. "Siriusly,"

The werewolf glared at the boy before turning back to James. "Really mate, you don't need a lose after a win."

The head boy frowned at his friends. "Well thanks for believing in me Moony, Padfoot. I really feel your support." Now in a bad mood, he took a shot of his drink once more. His neck were starting to turn red from intoxication but he didn't mind.

"We just want what's best for you, Prongs," The ever-quiet Peter finally said. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"I appreciate that, I really do." James says sincerely. "But I feel like this year is going to be it. I feel like Evans is somehow already warming up to me."

Sirius snorted. "Whatever you say, mate."

Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding, the head boy made his way to the girl of his dreams. He caught the group of girls talking about NEWTs, so he decided to cut off their boring discussion. With a smug smirk, James put his arm over Lily's shoulder. "You. Me. Hogsmeade. Saturday. What do you say?"

The redhead looked at him, mustering all the disgust she could into her glare. "Get your hands off me, you toerag!" Unbeknownst to them, Lily's screaming had made a few heads turn to the two.

"Ouch, Evans, you hurt my feelings."

The girl sighed tiredly, rubbing her temple. "Potter, please just give up. I will never go on a date with you, or fall in love with you, or whatever it is that you've convinced yourself I'm going to be doing, okay? I don't support hate, but I strongly dislike your annoying and conceited personality very much, and hope for the love of Merlin that you give me just this last year to finally have some peace!"

James felt his chest and jaw clench at her words and his hands turned into tight fists. Embarrassment and hurt filled the boy, and he stood frozen in front of the girl who broke and rejected his heart way too many times to count. Normally, he would take it lightly and turn the situation into a joke, but the alcohol in his system made him feel the things he ignored with Lily's every rejection when sober.

"Well, geez, Evans, you could have worded it less harshly." From the back of the now quiet room, stood Milla Rosamund, pity and annoyance clashing in her eyes. Pity towards the boy who was silently breaking in front of half the house, and annoyance to the girl who fidgeted uncomfortably at her feet at the sudden and unwelcome attention she got.

But the next thing that happened made the head girl want to close her eyes shut and forget about the secondhand embarrassment that she felt.

James Potter just vomited his guts out all over Lily Evans' shiny black school shoes.


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