thank you

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thank you

Before I say goodbye, I'm here to tell you why I ended things the way I did.

I knew from the start, despite not having any ideas on how the story would turn out events wise, that I wanted Strange Benefits to be different but still be a light read.

That's why I never focused on the "magic" side of the story; in fact I almost never included it except for necessary parts. I wanted to show that Hogwarts is still just a school, that Milla and the other characters are still just students—teenagers who experience normal teenage things. Nothing too heavy, but still a good read, I hope.

Now, about the ending. I've thought about it a lot. And I realized that I can't write a story in which Lily is not Harry's mother. She's such an integral part of Harry—hell, the boy who lived won't even be alive if not for her and her love. So, I'm going to leave it up to you. I'm not saying James and Milla won't end up together. I'm saying that it's up to your imagination. You can take the ending any way that you want.

This has been such a wonderful journey. I don't regret spending my summer writing this story, because you guys made it such a worthwhile experience. All the comments, votes, even the reads! I started out without any ideas on how Strange Benefits was going to turn out. At first there had been 30 reads, and I was surprised to see that after a few days, 30 became a hundred and so on. Now, we're almost at 60,000 reads and that's something I never could have imagined.

Milla and James will always be precious to me. And so will this book.

With that, I think I'm going to take a break from the Harry Potter universe for a while. Right now I'm five chapters in on a Peter Quill fanfiction but I don't know if i'll be posting that. I'm also on chapter four of a Tom Hiddleston vampire fanfic, again, I'm not sure if I should post it. I know eventually I'm going to go back to Harry Potter, that's inevitable. But for now, goodbye.

Thank you for being with me throughout all of this. Just.. thank you.

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