Louis Tomlinson Imagine 25 pt. 3

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Hello ;)


It's been 3 weeks since Alice moved in and I haven't slept with Kristen since the last time. I can't find iy in myself to put up with her.

It's a weekend so I decide to go out for a change. Kristen works tonight so I'm hoping to miss her entirely.

I shower and throw on clothes. I walk to the station and take the train to the club, the music from the club can be heard from the station.  I'm careful not to bump into anyone harshly on my way to the front of the line.

The bouncer knows who I am and I easily get inside. I push past everyone, going straight for the VIP. I wonder who's here.

I stop a waitress on my way and order a bottle of liquor.

In the booth I can see one of the artist I write for, Zayn Malik.

"Zayn, mate." I call and reach my hand out for a bro hug.

"Louis." He stands. "This is Madison, Lauren and Catherine. They're one of my latest inquiries. A girl group." he tells me. They are all lovely girls. Two brunettes and one with blue black hair.

"I'm here for pleasure, Malik." I warn him playfully. "Call me on Monday." I wink at the one with blue hair, who seems to be Madison, from how Zayn introduced them.

She steps forward to me extending her hand.

"Maddi." I shake it. "Do you dance?" she asks one eyebrow up in question.

"Terribly, I'm afraid." I place one hand on my chest in apology.

"Too bad." She turns and they all follow each other to the dance floor. I watch next to Zayn while they all dance against each other. He nudges me.

"Girls like that..."

"Yes." I laugh lightly.

"Foursome." We say in unison.

"Be careful,  man." I worn him. "Maddi looks like a hand full."

The waitress comes by with my drink, Zayn and I mix a drink and toast to his latest single.

I continue to watch the dance floor until I spot a wild thing off the center. She's dressed in shorts and a shirt that shows off her stomach. Glow in the dark painted dots cover her. The word lost written across her stomach in orange letters. She jumps and bounces, completely oblivious to the other dancers, and the eyes that are on her.

"Alice." I say under my breath. I watch her until she finally slows down and makes her way to the bar. I excuse myself from Zayn and go to meet her.

"Alice." I call over the music, I don't think she hears me. "Alice!" I yell louder.

She turns and looks surprised.

"Louis! Hi!" She throws her arms around my neck, out of impulse I hug her back despite my surprise.

"Oh my God dance with me." She bounces up and down to the music.

"Are you drunk?" I call over the beat.

She looks offended.

"No, I don't drink." Her face twists in confusion. She holds up the water bottle.

"Dance!" She yells again.

"I don't-" before I finish she drags me onto the floor ignoring everything I say.

She jumps up and down and I watch closer.

She seems completely enveloped in her on mind and the music. She isn't concerned about me being here or what I'm doing.

Reminds me of Pippi Longstoking.

When she opens her eyes she laughs at me. I am in the same position I was in when she closed them.


"You need to loosen up." She smiles. Reaching for my hands she adds, "Here." My arms flail along with her movements as she attempts to get me to move.

"I can't dance, Ali."

"You don't move to dance, you move to feel free."

I still don't move.

"Come on, let's go home." She keeps one of my hands and I forget about Zayn and his...friends.

We walk onto the sidewalk and I find an empty cab for us.

"Louis, what do you do?" She asks me. She pulls all of her hair to the left side of her face so I can see her better. The paint a faint glow of war prints on her neck.

"I write."

"Like books?"

"Yeah. Shows, movies, songs, whatever I come up with, really." I respond. The cab makes a left turn.

"Can we stop at McDonald's, I am starving."

"Yeah." The cabby responds. We both get out and I tell him to wait for us.

She orders a meal with a milkshake.

"I got it." I offer to pay. She smiles and thanks me with her lips around her straw.

"It's alright." I smile.

When we get back into the car I watch her eat. She doesn't eat pretty, or with caution. I decide that I like this about her. She offers me some but I say no, she eats all of it and then takes her time with her dessert.

"So you must be, like crazy successful?"

"I do well." I smile and continue to look at her. Her eyes are dancing from the high of dancing and the sugar from the shake.

We don't break eye contact. We just sit there in the back of the cab in silence.

"All out." The driver stops in front of our building and breaks our...concentration? contact? thing? I don't know what to call it, maybe, connection.

I slide out and hold the door for her. I pay for the cab too and we go to our floor in a silence. A silence that holds unspoken confessions and truth behind what we feel.

"Have good sleep, Louis." She says before opening her door and closing it.

"Yeah." I whisper.


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~Cassie ♡

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