Louis Tomlinson Imagine 4 prt. 3

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It felt so good to be appreciated. It felt so good to be touched. It felt so good to be warm.

"Anna, you ARE going to be the death of me." Lou said hugging me against his chest.


"Anna, love?"

His voice interrupted the steady symphony of his beating heart. I need to stop. He just fingered me on my senior trip, it's not like he proposed to me.

"Yes?" I made an effort to scoot a little ways away from him, creating some space.

"We can't stay like this, you have to leave."

My heart sinks, but a part of me understands that this was what it was. Nothing more.

I guess my face gave away my disappointment.

"Hey? Anna?"

I fixed my bra and stood up from the bed without saying a word to him. He stood from the bed as well.

"Anna?" he reached for my arm but I snatched it away. I don't know why he never promised me anything.

I picked up my shirt and tugged it over my head being sure to put it on the right side. I ran my hands through my hair.


I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

"What's wrong?"

"Really?" I answer sporting a confused expression.

I quickly turned around, grabbed my bag by its handle and opened Louis' door to leave.

I know I have no reason to be upset but I just can't help it. I feel used, but not only by him but by myself. I wanted him to do more than finger me I wanted to feel all of him.

I needed that release and it was my first experience with orgasms. My ex always finished before I did, every time.

Our room was only three doors down from his'. I used my key card to get in and went straight for the bed. I was tired before our engagement but now I'm exhausted.


I awoke to Jess horribly humming Disney songs.

"Wake up sleeping loudly!" she said. "You slept through breakfast. I brought you some food." she smiled

"Talk about loud." I sit up and take the plate of food away from her.

"At least I don't snore." she says and then heads to the bathroom.

My best friend new me so well. A bagel with strawberry cream cheese, melons, and apple juice for breakfast.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" I call to her through the door.

"Yeah, Yeah. Eat your food we have the museum today. By the way, what happened between you and Louis while I was at the pool."

I take another bite of my bagel. I am not telling her anything. I continue to eat, stuffing my face.

"Anna?" she calls from inside the bathroom.

I continue to ignore her and have a bite of melon.

She leaves the bathroom and lays across her bed.

"Anna? Are you not going to answer?"

"No." I say.

"Fine. Be that way. At least take a shower. You smell like sex."

I laugh at her and throw a piece of melon at her.

"I do not!"

"You do too." she counters raising her eyebrows.

This got me self-conscious. I hurriedly finished and took a shower.

I chose dark jean shorts, a half shirt and white converse. The shirt had a woman in a bikini wearing a panda head.


The bus ride went decently well. I was on the bus before Louis and he sat up front. He left the bus before I did and then he sort of disappeared.

I roamed the museum alone. Jess was with her boyfriend and I was not going to third wheel for this trip.

I round a corner and stopped in my tracks. Louis and Ms.T were talking infront of the life sized T-rex model.

"Lou, you seem troubled. What's up?" She asked him.

"Nothing." he smiled. But even I could see that it hadn't reached his eyes.

"Something is wrong, Lou. Have you forgotten that I'm your sister? I know you better than anyone. Now spill." She demanded.

"Fine. There's a girl and I think I messed up. At first I thought it would be just sex with her, but I feel more."

More? What is more?

"Firstly, ew. Secondly, you've never been a 'just sex' guy."

"I know. It's just that after my last relationship, I didn't think that I was ready for anything serious. I still do not think that I am ready for a serious relationship. It's just she's different. We didn't even go all the way." He added.

His last relationship? He's not ready for anything serious? Which I knew what I was getting into when I got into it. But he just said that he wanted more. Plus he said that I was different. Different how? Different, worth it? I was flushing at this point good thing my name was anonymous.

"You're telling me you're having these feelings before the sex?" He shook his head yes. "Lou, you can't help the way that you feel. If you feel as strong as I think that you do, then I say go for it." she smiled at him. She is obviously unaware that she is telling him to have sex with one of her students.

"Thank you Lot." He pulls her into a quick hug and then releases her.

"Now go and enjoy the museum." she adds with a smile.

"I can't. I keep staring at this panda." he says, pulling his arm to rub the back of his neck.

"What panda?" she laughs.

I stop listening now. I turn around and walk the other way.


We finally left the museum and I had caught up to Jess and Shaun.

"So how'd the nomadic adventure go?" Jess asked me as we left to board the bus.

"Great!" I over exaggerated. "Although, I am a little bombed that I didn't get to see the life sized panda." I frowned.

"What panda?" she asked.

"The stuffed panda I heard about."

"Jess and I took at least three circles around this place. I am sure we would have noticed a panda. But there is one on your shirt!" he added.

Aww, he was staring at me.

Holy Shit!


Thank You for waiting!!

Love you guys!!!

I'm going to search the comments for the next chapter...*whispers* it's going to be a Liam one. ;)

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