Harry Styles Imagine 3 prt. 1

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I need to breathe.

"Excuse me." I said relieving myself of the dull conversation.

If my job wasn't in danger I wouldn't have come but I knew Mr.Cowell wouldn't approve of me missing his dinner party.

The large mansion was full of people and was nicely decorated.

White with silver steel accents.

Classy and elegant yet modern.

There was a bathroom that was off to the side all the way on the other side of the house.

This will do.

Going into the bathroom I left the light off and sat on the edge of the tub.

The window above my head allowed the moonlight to seep throygh the room just so I could see.

Moments later I could hear footsteps coming.

Harry rushed into the bathroom unzipped his pants and released himself into the toilet.

He didn't bother looking around and I wasn't going to say anything.

I kept quiet and stone cold still on my seat at the side of the tub. I tried not to let my eyes wonder but it was just there.

I couldn't help myself his penis was like a neon light flashing in my face.

It was a reasonable size not to big and not small. It had vein coming from tip to end.

You commended him in your head.

He finished, shook, and then zipped himself back up.

Just as he reached for the knob at the sink he spotted you.

"Shit!" he said startled. "Samantha? How long have you been sitting there?"

"A while." my cheeks were turning red and your body temperature was rising.

He flicked tge light on and adjusted his eyes to the change.

He turned on the sink and washed his hands.

Good hygiene.

Now he was smirking to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just, well-"


"You just watched me urinate." He laughed.

"Yeah? So?" my face scrunched upp from confusion. "I've seen all my boyfriends urinate. " I said not realizing.

"Boyfriend?" he asked.

"Oh dear God! I didn't mean it like that!" You shouted after realizing what he meant. "I would never-"

He cut you off.


"I didn't mean that like that either! "

Well you were all thumbs at the moment weren't you.

"I mean urinating is a natural process of the body and I am not freaked oyt about it." that's a good explanation.

"If we were to date - Hypothetically of course - you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of me."

"What makes you think that?" You stood and contrary to the heels you were wearing he still towered over you.

"No girl ever has." he said smirking to himself. Obviously proud that he was irresistible. During that sentence he had took a few steps closer to you.

His body heat could be felt now.

"Not one?" I challenged.

"Not if I didn't want her to. Taylor is basically the only one. Lucky me because I hear she's trying to trap someone with a baby."


This was news to you, but you didn't ask him his sources.

His face was becoming a lot closer than you wanted it b to be. Just as he was close enough to lay a kiss you moved your head and he missed.

"Nice seeing you Styles." I smirked at him and left the bathroom.

"Samantha, I'll have you tonight."

"Dream on Harry."

I found Simon and said my goodbyes.

"Are you leaving already?" Allan Carr's voice came from behind you.

"Yes am not exactly a party animal." you confessed.

"Oh, rubbish I was looking forward to carrying you on my arm to the after party." he whined.

"Sorry Allan, next time." You promised.

"I will hold you to that and if you don't i'll put you over my knee." he said playfully.

"Sounds kinky." you joked with a wink.

You hugged him goodbye and made your way to the front door.

"So you like to be spanked?" Harry asked coming into view.

"Occasionally." you said.

Walking past him and out the front door.



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