Niall Horan Imagine 30

503 7 5

Inspired by Stockholm Syndrome ^-^

It's one of my favorites and at first I was like; "What has Harry been doing to write this song" but then it dawned on me. He was only watching Beauty and the Beast. He was watching Beauty and the Beast guys!


When I take my keys out of my purse to get into my building I can't help but feel watched. A quick glance at my surroundings and I slip through the door. It automatically locks behind me with a click.

I take the stairs two at a time just wanting to be in the safe confines of my own apartment. It smells of candles and a musky scent that I can't quite place. There's light coming from my bedroom.

My first instinct is to sprint the fuck out and get the police on the phone, but the flickering of the light and earlier observations tells me that the light is coming from candles.

Did I leave a candle burning?

I thought I blew them all out. Yeah, I definitely did.

When I open the door the mix scents hit my nose at once and I know there's more than one candle. A scan around the room proves me right.

Who in the hell?

There are candles every where, smelling horribly in sync, and brightening the room.

There's this awkward and oddly familiar feel in the room and I know.

"You're so weird." I huff. I turn to find him completely naked. "What the hell?" I am shocked.

I can feel the heat rise in my neck as my eyes rake over his body. Every familiar curve, indentation, and inch of skin on display for me.

"Shhh." He walks to me pulling my hands behind my back and kissing me so hard that my lips lose feeling he pulls away taking my bottom lip with him. I moan just as I feel warm metal around my wrist.

"What is-"

"Shut up." I start to get sassy until he smiles. "They're never going to see you again." He circles me. I stare at him until my brain catches up. This is a game.

I smile and he winks. I get into character straight away.

"They'll come looking for me." I whisper.

"They can look all they want." He scoffs. His body heat is so conjoined with mine we could melt ice caps. His breath on my neck his voice in my ear saying, "You're mine."

I shiver knowing this is true.

"Please." I beg.

"Please, what?" My first mind says me, but I want to stay in character.

"Please, let me go." His hands trace the frame of my silhouette melting me at the core. I can feel his coarse fingers and strong urge to have me naked. He wants a good job and he's willing to wait for it.

"My family will pay you."

"I don't want money." His voice is soft. He plays well.

"I won't say anything to anyone as long as I live."

"Of course you won't."

This is fun. Nerve wrecking, coma inducing and far far beyond my self control but fun.

"Please send me home." I make it more convincing, straining and pleading.

"You are home." He sounds so eerie and so mouthwateringly tasty I can't take it anymore.

"I'll do anything."

"Baby, I've got you and we're going to do everything." He kisses my neck and my head leans to show more skin.

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