Zayn Malik Imagine 15

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For:Emo_love91 -Ariana

Thanks for reading lovey!! :)


"Zayn?" I call for my ex boyfriend in his art studio. Its late and he should have made it home a while ago. His wife's phone call surprised me. My choices were to either sit and worry with her or come and find him. I guess we know which one I chose.

"Zayn?" I call again. The lights were on and so he has to be here.

"Yeah." I hear him call from the office.

"Zayn, why are you here so late?" I enter the office and find him slumped over paperwork.

"I'm drowning in work. I'm suppose to paint and draw. I am the art part of this. She's suppose to handle this." he says referring to his wife.

"Zayn, at six months pregnant, she has enough to worry about. What do you need help with?"

He shows everything he's pieced together and with a few results and compromises we find a solution to his problem.

"See? Easy." I smile to him. I turn to head to the door.

"I miss you." his sudden confession stops me with my advance to leave his office.

"I miss you." he says it again. This is what I fear. These words from his mouth at this time.

"You can't."

"But I do."

"Stop it."

"I've tried."

"Try harder. You have a nice and beautiful woman at home carrying a beautiful baby girl for you. Try. Harder."

"I love you, Ariana."

A gasp escapes me. I've wanted to hear these words from him for years. Two years of an honest relationship and never once did he say them to me. Four months with her and suddenly it's his favorite word. I don't know why I stuck around to watch him fall for someone else. All I know is that I couldn't be without him. So I stayed. I'm still here. A marriage and a kid later and I'm here.

He's closer to me than before and I can feel his breathe on my face. His intoxicating scent is sending me over edge. It's searching for a fault in my resolve. "Zayn.." I don't finish his lips are on mine and I think he's found the fault.

I respond to him automatically and kiss him back. Our lips moving against each other. It feels normal. it feels like this should be. It feels like it used to, before his wife. His wife.

I pull away. This is not right. I wipe my mouth with my thumb and remove his hands feom my body.

"She's too good for you and so am I." I turn and leave him standing in his office.


I know Zayn will never cheat but again I'm just covering all bases here.

No Commenting makes me sad. It sucks. How do I know what you want if you don't tell me?




Following Instagram gets you imagine opportunities! Just saying lol.

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