Louis Tomlinson Imagine 14

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I wake to the startling sound of a vase hitting the ground. I hear Louis swear under his breath.

"Louis?" I slide out of bed and into my slippers.

I leave my comfortable bed and dark room to find my - probably drunk - fiancé

As I'm walking down the hall I'm suddenly grabbed by the waist. I give the loudest and most death wrenching scream that I can.

Seconds later I can hear Louis' laugh in my ear.

"That's not funny!" I turn in his arms and hit his chest. "You suck, so much!"

"I was only joking Kim." he laughs. "That scream you just gave. You should have seen your face."

I can smell the alcohol seething through his pores. He never drinks like this, its the fourth time in seven days.

"Are you drunk?"

"Not exactly." he answers me and tickles my neck with his nose.

"Ugh, you are." and I push him away from me. I don't like when he's like this. He gets aggressive and pushy. His voice becomes a hundred times louder than usual and I can't take it at four in the morning, every morning.

"Kim? C'mon."

"What?" I shout at him. "This is getting tiring and ridiculous! What the hell is going on?"

"Nothing." His face twists into a frown. The last thing I wanted to do was make him mad in this state, but I'm livid at this point. "Can't a grown ass man have a drink without being harassed about reasoning?"

"Yes, but I know you. You wouldn't without a reason. I know there's one. Why don't you trust me enough to tell me?"

"Trust? What the hell are you going on about? Look, I'm drunk and I don't want to do this now." I drop my eyes to the ground and I think I hear him add 'or at all' but I'm not sure.

"Do you not want to be with me anymore?" I ask this question in my smallest voice. He doesn't say anything so I assume he can't hear me. So I ask him again.

"Do you not want to be with me anymore? Do I make you want to get drunk off your ass? Do you want me to leave?" He doesn't answer me again. I guess this means yes.

I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist. He pulls me to him and wraps me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry." he says in my hair.

"Me too." I sob. I seriously love him so much but I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me.

I leave his arms and walk back to the bedroom. I pull a suitcase from the closet and beginbto fill it with my clothes.

"You don't have to leave tonight." He says quietly from the doorway.

"Yes, I do." tears are falling down my cheek and I don't bother to wipe them.

"Stay with me tonight."

I turn to look at him. Is he serious?

"Please." he whispers.

Something in me tells me that he hates how this is happening. In lack of better judgement I stand to grab his hand. Pull him to the bed and ury my head into his chest. I fill my nose with his scent. Its tainted with alcohol but it's him. I sob into his chest and gasp for air as he rubs my back.

I love him so much.


Sorry guys!

The next one isn't any better.

After these I promise they'll get better. I'm just trying to cover all bases of a relationship. Everything is not cotton candy and rainbows.

Thanks for following my Instagram (1D_OFG) and referring people to my book! You're amazing if you do!! Thanks for voting and commenting.

Remember the Louis book is called 'How it starts' & will start in the new year!! I'm so excited! So go read catch up or refressh your memory!

Thanks! :) ♥

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