C h a p t e r 33

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"Everything happens when I leave. Why?" Ron made a face.

Pansy smacked his arm, and fixed him with a glare.

" Be grateful everything is fine now"

" Mhmmhm"

" Say something, Harry" Ginny whispered.

Harry clicked his tongue and sighed.
" I'm speechless, Gin. How could she do this to us? I mean...I. ..She was pregnant once. She should've known the pain.....I mean she....o God. I missed the birth of my son" he placed his head in his hands, hanging it low.

Ginny rubbed his back, and kissed him on the cheek.

" It's okay now, isn't it? We have him now, Harry. Both of us. Forever"

Harry gave her a weak smile and pulled her closer.

" I'm so in love, Gin"

She smiled as she looked at the tiny bundle in her arms.

" I am too"

" With you" he said before kissing her sweetly.

Ron gagged in the background and Pansy shut him up with a kiss of her own.


Draco's arms were braced on the counter, his knuckles turning white,  and the veins on his arm popping.

Hermione swallowed before taking a step towards him. " Draco" she whispered.

Other than the twitch in his jaw, he gave no indication that he heard her.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, rough and warm.

" Please" she whispered, pleading.

He turned towards her, the mask of indifference in its place.

She shook her head, tears falling.

" Don't do this to me" she whispered,  her voice breaking.

He inhaled sharply and looked away.

"What am I doing, Granger? I've already done enough" his voice was rough.

Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat, her airways narrowing.

" You've done nothing" she whispered.
He turned towards her, sharp and very Malfoy- like.

"Don't tell me it wasn't my fault, Granger, because it was"

She shook her head. " You don't understand. You're not responsible for her actions. You're not accoun-"

"OH, BUT I AM!" He yelled.

She staggered a step back, and caught his shirt to keep herself from falling.

He caught both her wrists in his hand and shook them, shaking her entire existence.

" I am, Hermione! I am, because I fell in love with you! I should've known better than that! I should've known not to fall for you! But fuck it all, I did! If I had just gone back to her, then this- " he grabbed the collar of her shirt, and ripped it over her shoulder to reveal the burnt marks on her skin. "-this wouldn't have had happened, Hermione! You didn't deserve this! You didn't fucking deserve this! You were never supposed to have any more scars because of me! And it's killing me. It's killing me" his voice broke as he slid to the floor.

Hermione stared at him in shock and wonder, and love and compassion,  and pity and awe.

One by one, her tears fell as she, too, slid to the ground beside him. He wasn't crying, but it didnt look like he was breathing either.

" None of it was your fault" she stated, her voice holding it's usual bossiness.

He didn't move.

He didn't even blink.

She grabbed his face and turned him around to face her.

" Now you listen to me, Draco Malfoy. I do not regret falling in love with you. I do not regret a single damn thing. I fell in love with you in spite of who you were- who you are! My heart isn't stupid to just fall for your handsome face, Draco Malfoy! I'm Hermione Granger,  and I think rationally before letting my heart take over. I fell in love with you! I am in love with you, and I'm not going to let you roast yourself over something you had no control over! I thought that's what a Gryffindor would do- oh no, wait! Hufflepuff- yes that's right, Malfoy, because you're acting like a Hufflepuff- again.  You won't be getting rid of me, Malfoy, so you might as well cope with it!"

She hissed, and yelled, and whispered it all at his face.

His face was passive as he stared at her, her heart thudding loudly against her chest. And then, his lips stretched into a grin. A tiny one,  barely there, but it was there. And that's all what mattered.

" Think I'm handsome, do you? " he asked, his left eye twitching.

Hermione smacked his arm, but grinned at the same time. "Prat"

" Your favorite prat"

" I love you"

" And I love you"

And then she kissed him. Straight on the mouth, all lips and teeth. He tasted of tears, and hope, and something strange,  but oh so homey. She felt herself melting as his tongue darted out to tease her lips. She opened up to him and tangled her tongue with his. She sighed as his velvety tongue glided gracefully across her mouth. He ran his fingers through her hair, and she lifted up her good arm to grab his neck.

Groaning, he nipped at her lower lip and she squeezed her fingers around his neck. He grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer, his hand sliding over her burn marks on her shoulder, and then down down down, until they finally reached her hands. He tangled their fingers together and lifted them up, placing it on his heart. She could feel his heartbeat in her own body as she struggled for breath, but he was too good to let go. And she swore she'd never let him go. Draco Malfoy was a scarred man, and she wanted to heal him.

She dropped her head back, exposing her neck to him. And he didn't waste a moment to attach his lips onto her neck. He peppered kisses along her neck, down her throat, and then up her jaw. She sighed in contentment, and he hummed in response.

She grabbed their joined hands from his chest, and placed them over her own heart. There. Let him feel the things he could do to her heart.

Draco's other hand brushed over her breast, and she moaned. Cursing herself, she pulled away with a gasp. 

" Stop. Wait.."

He pulled away, his eyes hooded.

She was panting when she reached forward, and sat down in his lap. Wounding her arms around his waist, she laid her head on his chest.

Draco began to rub her back, soft circles that were lulling her to sleep.

" Stop. I'll fall asleep"

"Go ahead" he told her.

She could hear the amusement in his voice.

"No" She whispered, her eyelids heavy.

Draco frowned.

" What is it, Granger?"
He asked worriedly.

She looked at the clock above their heads, and whispered "You're free"

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