C h a p t e r 2

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All heads turned to see a very dishevelled looking, angry and hurt Narcissa Malfoy standing at the entrance. There were two guards who were holding her back and trying to snatch her wand. Hermione watched in awe as Narcissa fought them off and entered.

" You're supposed to be the Minister of Magic Mione!", Harry whispered beside her. Hermione's mouth snapped shut and she sat upright.

"What is this ?", she demanded from Narcissa.

" I should be the one asking you this, Minister.", she spat.

Hermione raised her eyebrows questioningly.

" I was not even informed! You dare do this to my son ! To my son who....who's innocent!", she yelled but tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Hermione was about to open her mouth when they heard a grunt.

Draco whimpered a little and then gasped. He tried to sit up right but couldn't bring himself to do so and his head hit the chair.

" What.the.fuck.are.you.doing?", he seethed.

" Draco. Draco! ", Narcissa gasped and sobbed. " My son.", she whispered and reached out for him.

"Stay the Fuck away from me. I'm no son of yours.", he snarled.

" Draco. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't. ", she cried.

Hermione cleared her throat to make her presence known.

" Send her away. Minister."He spat.

Hermione held her chin high. " Don't tell me what to do Malfoy. "

She watched as his jaw clenched upon hearing his surname.

" Ms. Granger!  I want you to listen to me."

"Fuck! Mother!!" He said warningly.

" No. I need you to listen to me. "

"Shut up!"

"My Draco. He's. ...he's innocent."

"Shut the Fuck up!", he yelled.

" It wasn't his fault ! I swear it wasn't his fault."


"Do you have any evidence? ", Hermione asked and ignored the blonde's protests.

" I do. I do. A lot of it"

"Let me fucking die mother. I swear
.....If you love me....then you let me die.", he said in a low voice.

Narcissa walked towards him and took his face in her hands. He tried to flinch away but her hold was strong and he was weak. "The ones we love; Draco, we save them. Not watch them die.", she whispered and kissed his forehead.

He could taste salt. He brought up a hand to his face and felt it. It was wet. And that's when he realised he was crying. The salt. ...It was from his own tears. He didn't know this taste before. Because he had never cried. Malfoys never cried; right ?

Either that

Or he had cried too much.


" So? What's with all this drama ?", Ginny asked she sat down next to Hermione on the couch.

"What drama ?", hermione asked as she pulled the spoon from her mouth.

"The Malfoy drama. Duhh.", she rolled her eyes.

" Oh that. I don't know.", she shrugged.

" Whatchu mean you don't know.  You're supposed to be the Minister of Magic! ", Ginny nudged her in the shoulder.

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