C h a p t e r 4

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Clunk clunk clunk

The sound of her heels vibrated off the marble tiles. She held her head high and entered the courtroom. All eyes were trained on her as she crossed the room and sat on the highchair.

"Good morning minister.", she heard.

She turned around and found Harry smiling crookedly at her.

" Hello.", she tried to smile.

" Nervous ?", he held her hand.

" Very."

"Oh come on Mione', now you sound like Ron.", Harry gave her a teasing look.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, and sat up straight when the door opened and Adam Smith walked in. His face was passive as he crossed the room and took a seat next to her.

Harry smiled at her encouragingly and then went to sit on his own place.

Adam turned to her and spoke.

" I don't see the point in this minister.", he drawled.

" Oh, but I do.", she challenged him.

" You do know that I have certain authorities, right ?"

"Of course I do. But none of them forbid me to hold a retrial for someone who might be innocent."

"Oh please. Death eater and innocent ? Surely you're wrong, Minister. ", he spat the last word as if it hurt him to say it.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him in return but cleared her throat and began the trial. She occasionally chanced glances at Harry to boost her confidence which was wavering under the heavy gazing of the tosser sitting next to her.

The doors opened and the prisoner was brought in. Hermione took a deep breath and let her gaze wander towards him. And he was already looking at her. With hate. So much hate that she felt goosebumps form on her skin.

"Who is presenting this case ?", Adam Smith asked.

" Me.", Harry Potter stood up and made his way over to the circular floor. Several people gasped and stared open mouthedly at the Boy Who Lived as he defended the Boy Who had no Choice. But of course they didn't know that. For them, Draco Malfoy was just a death eater. A murderer. A torturer. A bully.

Harry defended Draco in a way that amused Hermione. His voice held so much determination as he spoke for his former enemy. He laid out Draco's situation in front of everyone and Hermione dared not glance at him. Harry skillfully avoided Astoria and the baby and Hermione was thankful for that.

" If it weren't for Draco Malfoy, then I'd be dead.", he finished.

The room was quiet until Adam decided to speak up.

" And how my boy, did he do that ? I thought it was Narcissa Malfoy who saved you at the end."

"And without Draco, I wouldn't have had reached that end. He saved us; At the Manor. He bought us enough time.", Harry swallowed.

" Very well. Period. Those in favour of charging the accused, please raise their hands."

Hermione's mouth opened in shock when she saw that there was no hand in the air. Well, no hand except Adam's own who then awkwardly cleared his throat.

Hermione smirked inwardly and began " Draco Lucius Malfoy,  you've been cleared of-"

"Excuse me, Minister? Surely you are not considering to clear all his charges and leave him be ?", Adam cleared his throat.

" Of course not. Perhaps you should've waited for me to continue.", she scoffed.

Harry raised an amused brow at her.

" By all means.", Adam drawled and stretched his arms.

" You, Draco Lucius Malfoy,  will be cleared of all charges but, you will be-"

"Ah minister.", Hermione turned her head and glared daggers at Adam who had interrupted her. Again.

" Yes Mr. Smith ?", she spoke through gritted teeth.

" I'd like to be the one to suggest the punishment for Mr. Malfoy.  After all I'm the head of Wizengamot and I have certain authorities. Don't I ?", he turned towards the others in the room who nodded. Hermione glared at him and bit her cheeks from inside to stop herself from cursing this man. Literally.

"Go ahead.", she spoke bitterly.

He gave her a smug look which Hermione didn't like at all.

"Okay. I'd like to suggest that Mr. Malfoy stays with you...uhuhh don't interrupt me.", he said when he saw her opening her mouth.  "It's the best option. This way we can make sure that he doesn't do anything.....rash and he can be free to go anywhere he'd like. With you.", he smirked at her and then without waiting for her, he spoke again.

" Does anybody have any objections? ", he turned his head and gave people a look that clearly said don't even try.

He smirked once again and stamped on the paper which was handed to him by his secretary, sealing the punishment.

Hermione gulped and dared not look at the blonde. Oh Merlin! A lump formed in her throat which she found hard to swallow and she quietly summoned the paper and tucked it inside her robes. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see Harry standing next to her.

" Oh Mione.", he said before hugging her. She felt him shaking and she very much doubted that he was crying. She pulled away to look into his eyes and saw that they were blurry. His eyes were teary and his shoulders were shaking. Because he was laughing.

" Oh Mione.", he said again.

" Shut up Harry Potter.", she tried to push past him but someone caught her wrist.

" Let go of me Harry."

"It isn't Harry.", drawled that annoying git who had put her in this situation. She snatched her wrist and glared at him.

" Perhaps you forgot that you aren't going anywhere alone from today  ", and that stupid smug look was back on his face.

Hermione cursed under her breath and looked behind him to see Draco Malfoy glaring daggers at her. She gulped and pushed past Smith and stood in front of Malfoy.

" Come on Malfoy. I don't have all day.", she barked and thanked Merlin for not showing how nervous she was on the inside.

Malfoy glared harder at her- if possible, and fell in to step beside her. She squared her shoulders and began to walk, with him following close behind.

She didn't like this one bit. Not even a teensy tiny bit.

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