C h a p t e r 9

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If the previous morning was awkward, then this was the mother of awkwardness. They had both come out of their rooms, and reached for the bathroom door handle at the same time. A glaring contest had taken place before Malfoy had finally given up and had retreated back to his room.

Then came breakfast. While Hermione usually made breakfast for him, she just couldn't do it today. He had slapped her. She despised him. And she didn't share with people who she despised.

Especially not food.

Malfoy tried making coffee but failed miserably. Hermione almost laughed when he accidently lit the stove. He jumped away, startled. Hermione watched in amusement as he grabbed a plate, placed a slice of bread on it, and put it on the stove. A small giggle escaped her lips which, thankfully,  went unnoticed by the blonde.

Malfoy then proceeded to wait for the bread to turn into a toast but nothing happened. He sighed, and reached for the plate. His hand had just touched it and he jumped back and fell. He cursed.

It was fucking hot.

Hermione rushed towards him when she saw him holding tightly onto his hand. She reached him and saw that it was red. She grabbed the burn healing paste from the cupboard and crouched down next to him on the floor. "Here..let me-", she began and reached for his hand. His head shot up and he pulled away. " I'm f-fine", he stuttered. He really wasn't fine but it had more to do with the fact that the witch he had insulted and assaulted last night was the one helping him.

" Well you obviously aren't, Malfoy. ", she rolled her eyes at him and grabbed his hand almost forcefully. Draco winced but didn't pull away. She carefully placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed some paste into her hand. She gently began to rub it on his hand and his eyelids fluttered shut. Merlin that felt good. And just like that, his eyes shot open.

"It's enough, Granger. "  He cleared his throat.

She rubbed one last circle before he pulled his hand away. She stood up and began to walk when she heard him speak.

" Yes ?", she turned.

" Thank you.", he said.

Hermione turned back around and smirked. Well, this certainly was an improvement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Draco couldn't help but feel suspicious. Why had she come to help him ? It wasn't even a big deal. It was just a burn but she had come. Why ?

All sorts of whys and buts were bothering him and he was unable to conclude something out of them. Perhaps it was just a Gryffindor thing to do. Yes that's right. And that's it.

Knock knock knock

" Come in"

The door opened to reveal Granger in her work robes. " Why aren't you ready, Malfoy? ", she questioned and placed her hands on her hips.

"Give me a minute,  Granger.", he said and walked to his closet. He pulled out his robe, his only robe, and pulled it on. " Let's go."

"Well that certainly wasn't a minute"

Draco smirked in return and Hermione felt her cheeks flush.

Did they really just have a peaceful interaction?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hermione stopped by her secretary's office and poked her head in.

" Any letters for me, Julia ?"

" Yes Ms. Granger.  You go ahead, I'll get them. "

Hermione smiled at her and walked towards her office. She entered and kicked the door sh-

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