25. Stirring the pot

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Chapter Twenty five: Stirring the pot

The door creaked open, and the first to walk in was Niall, followed by Liam, Louis, Harry and Finally Zayn, his hair was perfect as usual and he had the most perfect smile on his face. 

"Where are the girls?" Liam asked, looking around, "Hello? You girls home?" He yelled.

"Can't hear or see them." I felt a vibration in my pocket.

From: Liz,

as soon as one of them takes off their sun glasses jump out! 

They all looked around looking confused, until we saw Zayn slip off his sun glasses and we all came out of our hiding places and shot them with our nerf guns, laughing our heads off, and the boys were ducking and dodging, Zayn started running over to me, and I had run out of bullets so I kicked off my heels and started running away, laughing.

"You're going to pay for that!" He laughed gaining on me. I felt a strong pair of hands grab me around the waist and pull me close and pick me up so my legs were kicking. He put me down, and turned me around and pulled me into a strong passionate kiss, his smell overwhelming me as I flung my arms around his neck, the sparks were flying and our lips moved perfectly in sync, he pulled me closer at the waist and I didn't want to be away from him for a second.

"PDA!" Louis screamed, pointing at us, I just smiled and continued to kiss Zayn, nothing could ruin this moment. After a bit we pulled away and he just held me in a hug and I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Everyone had their own things planned with their boys, and even Zayn and I had a little thing planned for Niall as well. I went for a jog one morning and I got a coffee and the girl at the counter was humming One thing, so I talked to her for a little, and found out her name was Ariel and then invited her to our house, the other girls were all out so it was just me.

"Wow, your house is massive, are you some sort of millionare or something?" She laughed as I let her in.

"Let's just say my boyfriend is part of a very successful... erm organisation." I laughed locking the door behind me, I led her to the kitchen and I got her some cookies to go with our coffees she brought from work.

"Ah, okay..." She and I sat at the table and were chatting. "Do you like One Direction?" She asked me.

"Yeah, love them, they're the best." I smiled.

"Me too!  Have you seen them live?" She asked me, smiling.

"Yeah, I've only been to one concert thought..." I mumbled.

"ONLY! I haven't been to one!" She laughed taking the last sip of her coffee before getting up and starting to inspect the pictures. "Why do you have pictures of One Direction? And pictures of Liam and Danielle, and Harry and Liz, and Louis and Eleanor and Zayn and - ...." She cut herself off and looked at me, the picture again and back at me.

"Oh, my. GOD!" She exclaimed pointing at the picture. "I didn't recognise you!" She blushed a bright red and I just giggled to myself. "Why didn't you tell me that you knew One Direction?" She moaned. "Have they sat in this dining room?" She asked wide eyed.

"I don't know, they were only here for a day and us girls weren't here yet, we only got here a few weeks ago." I shrugged, grabbing our coffees and chucking them in the bin.

"I can't believe you are Zayn's girlfriend." She laughed, and then her face suddenly went straight, "I'm sorry for your loss..."  I laughed quietly to myself.

"Thanks." I mumbled leading her through to the theatre room.

"Wow..." She mumbled, we made some popcorn then moved onto the game room, where she said wow again and we sat down to play COD, she seemed like a really nice girl, perfect for Niall.

"What do you think of Niall?" I asked her, after killing her, again, I had a lot of spare time to play with the other girls and we were getting very good.

"Cutest guy ever, wish I could meet him..." She mumbled.

I organised to meet her today at the movies, but she didn't know Zayn and Niall would be coming too, so us three all got in to the car and we drove off the the movies, while Niall complained about having to third wheel it, and Zayn just winked at me. 

When we finally rocked up Niall rolled out of the car and we went in the back way to avoid fans stampeding us, and Ariel was sitting on the couch going through her phone, the boys went up to the counter and I went over to her, she was looking stunning in her cute dress with a floral pattern, stockings and heels, her light brown hair was in a messy bun and her blue-green eyes glowed. 

"Hey Lilly! Ready to get the tickets?" Her eyes widening when she saw something behind me, I turned around to see Zayn walking over to me, I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering where Niall went. 

"Food." He rolled his eyes, handing me our tickets and kissing me on the cheek. "And you, must be Ariel, nice to meet you." Zayn smiled holding out his hand, and Ariel shook it, her face looking blank. 

"Yeah!" She finally snapped back into reality. "What did you mean when you said 'food'?" She asked confused.

"Eh, we invited a friend, and they're always eating, and they're at the bar getting food." Zayn stuttered, squeezing my hand lightly, until Ariel's eyes opened wider again and I assume Niall started walking over, I turned around to see Niall stuffing his face with popcorn, until he suddenly stopped, going wide-eyed at the sight of her, Zayn and I quickly un-intertwined our hands and high-fived silently before re-intertwining them again.

"I wondered why you made me buy a forth ticket," Niall said after he swallowed smiling. "Hey, I'm Niall, and you are?" He held out his hand to shake Ariels.

"I'm Ariel," She smiled back, their eyes were locked for at least ten seconds before their cheeks went red, we sat down to watch the avengers, we sat, Zayn, me, Ariel then Niall, I was cuddled up to Zayn while Niall and Ariel just sat awkwardly, do I have to do everything! 

To: Niall

Do you like her?

I saw him take out his phone, and Ariel just kept watching the previews. My phone vibrated.

From: Niall

Yeah she's absolutely beautiful, thanks for this, but why didn't you tell me?! I wasn't prepared! 

I looked up and he was pouting at me, I just laughed to myself and texted him back.

To: Niall

put your arm around her, or better yet offer your popcorn!

I got and almost instant reply.

From: Niall


I laughed quietly to myself and looked over and he had put his arm around her and she had a massive smile on her face, and Niall was stuffing his face with popcorn, they were so cute.

"Good job baby" Zayn whispered into my ear and kissed me on my temple, before the best movie of my life started playing, when it was finished, Niall asked Ariel if she wanted to come to ours for dinner, which I think was awfully cute, and she accepted immediately, and Zayn and I high-fived silently once again. 

We got home and Niall introduced Ariel to everyone while I got to the kitchen to start to make dinner, I had a million dishes going at once, but Zayn was an amazing help, and eventually Ariel came in with the biggest smile ever on her face.

"Thank you so much!" She squealed, giving me a massive hug.

"I knew you two would get along!" I smiled, continuing to cook.

"He's already asked for my number and oh my God he smells amazing!" I just laughed and she continued. "Need any help?" She asked, smiling.

"Sure, you can stir the sauce!" 

"Oh, thank God you're not a health freak! Nice and creamy!" She laughed stirring.

"I'm putting melted butter on the vegetables." I winked.

"Let me love you!" She laughed continuing to stir the pot.

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF NARIEL?! ;) please comment and vote! XOXO

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