10. Paris!

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Chapter Ten: Paris!

We finally arrived at our hotel, the fans didn’t scream or yell, they just stood there saying short phrases like “Sorry for your loss” or “It gets better” they’re pretty good at English and I’m pretty crappy at French, I’m pretty crappy at everything. Zayn held my hand, nodding and saying thank you to everyone as we walked into the hotel. It was so beautiful, marble flooring, massive front desk with roses on them with a beautiful brunette standing at the front desk talking into her phone in French, until she saw Zayn and I walk in hand in hand, and she hung up the phone, her smile dropping so fast I almost missed it. Is there one person in this world that doesn’t know?

“Hello Zayn and Lilly.” She said in broken up English. “Your room is uh... Top level.”

“Thanks.” Zayn smiled charmingly taking the keys from her and leading me to the elevator.

“Does everyone in this world know?” I mumbled wiping a tear from my eye.

“Sorry babe, we’ll be alone in our hotel room in a second.” He smiled pulling me into a hug comforting me. Walking into our hotel room I just walked straight into the bathroom locking Zayn out and turning on the shower, undressing myself and getting in sitting on the floor. My hands covering my face, and my head between my knees, bawling my eyes out. I heard a knock at my door followed by Zayn’s angelic voice. “Lilly, babe, are you okay?”

“No.” I mumbled continuing to cry.

“Babe?” He knocked again.

“No.” I moaned hitting my head on the wall of the shower.

“Can I come in?” He begged. I just hit my head harder on the wall. Mum would make me hot chocolate and cookies when I’m upset, she’s not here now. She’ll never ever be here again. “Please Lilly.” I could picture him outside the bathroom with his head against the door with his hand on the handle, crying, I know how much he hates it when I lock myself away from him, or when I hurt myself and he can’t come to help but there’s some things you just can’t help. “Lilly, I’m coming in... Are you decent?” he wouldn’t see anything if he came in, I’m in a tight ball.

After a minute or so, he walked in with a knife in his hand from unlocking the door, dropping it at the sight of me. His eyes red from crying, as he walked over to turn off the shower, grabbing a towel, wrapping it around me and sitting next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me close as I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. “Why is everyone being so sympathetic, why can’t everyone just forget about me.” I mumbled into his shoulder.

“What’s happened to you isn’t anything small.” He mumbled back, kissing me softly on my forehead. We sat there for about half an hour just cuddling. “Hey, Lil...” He mumbled quietly into my ear.

“Yeah?” I answered looking up at him.

“I love you, I know this is really fast and probably the wrong time....” I sat up to look at him in the eye. “But I thought I should let you know that I love you, and that you mean the world to me. I trust you with my life.” He smiled weakly looking me in the eyes, as I felt a tear escape. “Why are you crying?” his smile dropping as he wiped the tear away with his thumb.

“I love you too.” I blushed smiling, holding his hand against my face, resting my head against it.

“Then why are you crying?” He laughed lightly, smiling.

“I’m just so happy.” I smiled.

“Why are you happy?” He asked me brushing my cheek with his thumb.

“Because I’m in Paris, alone with you, and you love me...” I smiled “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“I’m in Paris, alone with the girl I love, with a severely saturated bottom.” He joked tilting slightly to reveal his soaked jeans. I couldn’t help but laugh, and it felt amazing, I hadn’t laughed in so long... “I love your laugh.” He smiled, a tear welling up in the corner of his eye.

“I love you.” I smiled leaning in for a kiss.

“I love you too.” He smiled back, as I wiped his tear with my thumb. He got up and offered his hand to help me up. I got up slowly, cracking every bone in my body, trying to keep my towel up. “What should we do today?” He asked me squeezing my hand lightly before letting go and taking off his jeans only to realise that his underwear were just as saturated.

“Can we just stay here and eat dinner on the balcony?” I asked quietly, going through my bag which had arrived in our room while I was in the bathroom.

“Okay, trackies?” He asked sifting though his bag aswell.

“Deal.” I smiled taking out my tracksuit pants and jumped skipping into the bathroom holding my towel up. When I came out he looked pretty snug in his tracksuit sitting on his laptop.

“Hey guys, look who’s here.” He smiled at the laptop, was he doing a twitcam? I slowly walked over to him to find that he was on skype to Harry and Liz who were in London together.

“Lilly!” Liz shrieked smiling. “I’ve missed you so much, how’s Paris?!” She asked, oh how I’d missed the old Liz.

“Liz! It’s so beautiful.” I smiled looking out the window at the Eiffel tower as the sun went down and the lights started turning on.

“Hey Lilly, you’re looking gorgeous as always!” Harry smiled, putting his arm around Liz’s shoulder.

“Hey Harry, aren’t you just as flirtatious as always?” I joked cuddling under Zayn’s arm.

“He’s all mine.” Liz laughed kissing him on the cheek.

“Well I’m glad you two are having fun, but we gotta go! We’re going to mum’s for a family dinner thing.” Harry pouted.

“Awh, okay, talk to you guys soon!” Zayn smiled.

“Bye!” We all said our goodbyes before they hung up. I looked at the bedside clock and it was only five pm, and in Australia it would be 1 am tomorrow roughly.

“Early night?” I laughed as Zayn yawned.

“Definitely.” He smiled making his way to the kitchen to find the menu. “Just a normal spaghetti?” He asked squeezing my hand lightly.

“Sounds delicious.” I smiled squeezing it back.  He called up and ordered the spaghetti and some sort of alcohol, I didn’t really pay much attention, I just wondered through the room to find a massive TV in the corner with massive black couches which could fit about ten people easy. When dinner finally arrived, we sat at the table on the balcony overlooking the Eiffel tower, and ate our pasta, drinking whatever he ordered which tasted amazing. He had one arm around my shoulder and he occasionally kissed me on the forehead. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend in the world.

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