5. It's not going to be easy

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Chapter five: It’s not going to be easy.

It’s almost four, the time we arranged for Zayn to come over, Jodie and I are wearing the outfits he bought us, and mum is wearing some nice jeans and an a button up shirt she looks absolutely beautiful, dad’s wearing a nice shirt and jeans as well.  I’ve already prepared a nice chicken pasta, that dad only has to re-heat for dinner, so Zayn and I could have a little alone time, because he’s due to go back to his family since it’s the end of their tour. This could possibly be the end of what could have been Zayn and Lilly, Zilly.

I sat next to Jodie who was watching some kids show on the TV, while I went through tumblr on my phone, answering a few messages and reblogging a few things, waiting for Zayn to knock on the door. The messages were a lot nicer, and some were apologies for everyone else’s ‘inappropriate messages.’ Mum was sitting on the other couch, thankfully she was feeling a little better today and can walk around by herself, and she was reading a magazine.

“Hey Lilly…” She mumbled. “Come here a sec.”

“Yeah mum?” I asked sitting next to her and peering over her shoulder to see a picture of Zayn, Jodie and I on the middle spread and a headline of “Summer fling, or the real thing?” then a whole lot of stuff about Jodie, and his tweet, along with us being ‘overly close’ holding hands in town.  I can’t believe there’s a whole page dedicated to Zayn and I. 

*Knock, knock*

“I’ll get it.” I mumbled scuffling towards the door, the realisation finally hitting me that maybe Zayn and I were just a summer fling.  I flung the door open to find Zayn standing there with a bunch of roses smiling at me

“Hey beautiful.” He smiled, handing over the roses and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“Hey Zayn!” I couldn’t help but smile when I saw him, he instantly lifts my mood.  He grabbed my hand and trailed behind me as I made my way to the kitchen to find a vase to put the roses in. They were all so beautiful, and smelled amazing.

“Hey Julie, how you feeling?” He smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Better.” Mum smiled.

“Zayn!” Jodie ran up to him and gave him a massive hug. She really did like him, she will be gutted if or when this doesn’t work out.

“Jodie! Looks like I’m just surrounded by beautiful girls.” Zayn smiled.

“My beautiful girls!” Dad walked in smiling.

“Of course!” Zayn laughed his accent as sexy as ever. Everyone went back to their thing, like the social family we are, leaving Zayn and me awkwardly standing there. So I grabbed his hand and we went upstairs again.  “Have they sent any more mean messages?” Zayn asked sitting next to me on my bed.

“No, not really, just some apologies and everything…” I mumbled fiddling with y dress, before Zayn grabbed my hand again.

“Well that’s good, I felt so bad about that…” He mumbled kissing me on the cheek. “So Lilly…”

“Yeah Zayn?” This is it, this is the moment of truth.

“I know we’ve only known each other for a few days, but I really like you and I want to get to know you, but I know you want to spend as much time as you can with your mum… And I want to see my family…” He trailed off.

“I understand, I knew it really wasn’t going to work, you have your career, and you live in England and I live down here in Australia, I can’t leave my mum…. She hasn’t got much time left…”

“I know babe, but I was thinking…” He stroked the back of my hand making circles with his finger.  “Maybe my family can come down here…?” I sat there shocked, could he have really just suggested his family coming down here? “I mean, I would go up there for a couple of weeks, and stuff, but I will call you every day… Only if you want though… I mean, if you don’t want me here, or you don’t want us that’s fine…” He trailed off again.


“I know babe, but I was thinking…” I stroked the back of her hand making circles with my finger.  “Maybe my family can come down here…?” She sat there silently, staring at me. “I mean, I would go up there for a couple of weeks, and stuff, but I will call you every day… Only if you want though… I mean, if you don’t want me here, or you don’t want us that’s fine…” I continued, trailing off. I watched her silently as all the possible answers folded over in my head, she could say no, and just completely shut me down, I wouldn’t blame her, I mean, she is absolutely beautiful.  The way her eyes light up, the way her hair falls, the way she walks, she’s perfect.

“You would do that… For me?” She asked, almost revealing the most beautiful smile in the whole world. 

“I would do that for you.” I smiled back, biting my lip. “Only if you want to be more… Lilly, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend, I know we haven’t known each other long, but you’re perfect for me….” Twice in 5 minutes, I’ve been in this position, waiting for the answer which could change my whole life…

“Really?” She asked with the biggest smile on her face… I nodded.

“I’m going to be away a fair bit, and I know you have your mum and sister to look after, but I’ll be there for you whenever you need me, I’ll call you as much as I can when I’m on tour…”

“I’m not going to be an easy girlfriend, especially dealing with my mum in the next few months, do you think you could deal with that and work?”

“I don’t need easy, I need you.” I smiled, biting my lip.

“Yes.” She smiled, the biggest smile, and I leant in to kiss her, out lips moving perfectly together, I have never felt like this with anyone in this short amount of time before. 

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