6. Alice in Wonderland

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Chapter Six: Alice in Wonderland


Zayn led me downstairs with his fingers intertwined with mine, with the biggest smile on his face as we made our way down to the dining room after dad called for dinner. We decided not to tell them that he was going to have his family come down so it will be a surprise! Zayn sat next to me, and I sat next to dad who was at the head of the table, then Mum and Jodie who was opposite Zayn.

“So, when are you going back to see your family?” Mum asked Zayn smiling.

“In two days, should be good, I miss them.” He smiled back, inhaling the pasta.

“Yeah he’s taking me up there to meet everyone for a month.” I joked and everyone just stared at me astonished that I would agree to something like that. “I’m kidding!” I laughed squeezing Zayn’s hand under the table awkwardly.

“Funny…” Mum mumbled taking a sip of her drink.

“I like you hair!” Jodie randomly blurted out, which is what she did a lot of the time.

“Thank you Jodie.” Zayn smiled, I could tell her really cared about her, which was super sweet.


“Can we watch Alice in Wonderland?!” Jodie asked as we all sat down along the couch with Zayn being towed along by Jodie towards the movies.

“Okay, you sit back there on your little bean bag and I’ll put it in.” He smiled winking at me quickly, popping the DVD in and sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulder, lightly kissing me on the forehead.

“Thanks for coming today.” I whispered, putting my head on his lap to watch the movie.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He smiled at me, stroking my hair.


“It’s getting late Zayn, you sure you don’t want to stay the night?” Mum asked looking at the clock and it was about 1 in the morning.

“I don’t want to overstay my welcome, plus the boys will be worrying about me.” He insisted, squeezing my hand lightly.


I really wanted to stay the night, but I didn’t want to seem like I just wanted their daughter for sex or whatever, I truly like this girl.

“No, I don’t want you getting in some sort of crash then One Direction suing me for letting you drive home in this weather! She opened the door to reveal tonnes and tonnes of water bucketing down on our front lawn.

“Fine!” I laughed putting my arm around Lilly’s waist, pulling her closer to me.

“You guys can organise sleeping arrangements, because honestly I don’t care as long as you let me sleep because I have work at 7 in the morning!” Dad yawned helping mum upstairs leaving Zayn and I to put Jodie into bed. Zayn helped change her into her pyjamas; she can do most of it herself except for the buttoning part. While I set up her bed and her little Ipod dock with her beach sounds to help her sleep.

“Read me a story!” Jodie laughed jumping into bed.


“Do you want Zayn to tonight as a special treat?” I asked grabbing her book while Zayn tucked her in.

“Yes!” She laughed clapping her hands lightly, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Okay then!” Zayn opened the book and started reading “The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein” >> Youtube video to right x

“I love that story!” Jodie yawned cuddling her teddy, only their heads exposed.

“Me too!” Zayn smiled, giving her a kiss on her forehead, which gave her the biggest smile I have ever seen her smile ever. 

“Good night Zayn.” She blushed, closing her eyes. “Good night Lils” She yawned as I kissed her on the cheek.

“Goodnight beautiful.” We both said shutting off the light and turning on the music, quietly leaving her to fall asleep. 

We climbed our way upstairs Zayn trailing close behind me. “I better text the boys so they don’t worry, you get changed, where am I sleeping?” He looked at me awkwardly biting his lip.

“I can’t be bothered getting out a mattress, do you mind just sharing?” I awkwardly answered, secretly hoping I could cuddle up to him for the night.

“Only if you want, I don’t want you doing anything you don’t want to do, I can sleep on the floor.” He pushed, did he really not want to sleep in the same bed as me?

“I would sleep on the floor before letting you sleep on the floor.”

“I can’t let that happen, as long as you’re happy, I’ll sleep in your bed with you tonight, but I’m quite happy to sleep on the floor if you don’t want to.” he looked concerned. 

“I want to!” I laughed making my way to the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas, which consisted of flannelette stripy blue and white pants and a black singlet. Before re-emerging from my bathroom to find Zayn standing topless at my bookshelf looking at all my photos.


To think just a week ago I only emerged from my room for food like a gremlin, and now I have Zayn Malik as my boyfriend, and he’s in my room, TOPLESS.

“Stop looking at my photos!” I blushed, running over to block his view.

“They’re so cute!” He smiled, leaning in to kiss me, his lips warm and soft. He pulled away biting his lip. 

“No!” I laughed quietly grabbing his hand and pulling him away before jumping into bed and sitting down. He sat down in bed next to bed, before lying down with his arm around me, my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat and falling asleep in his arms, the most perfect day ever.

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