18. Tea is for Twinings

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Chapter eighteen: Tea is for Twinings

I woke up to a brittish acent screaming "YOU GUYS MADE BABIES DIDN'T YOU!" I shot up, holding the quilt up, opening my eyes to find Louis standing in my doorway pointing at Zayn and I. Zayn was moaning quietly, something about it being too early. 

"No!" I moaned, shaking Zayn with my right hand, taking Zayn's shirt that was on the bed and sliding it on under the quilt before searching for my underwear.

"Get out man!" Zayn moaned rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah come on Boo Bear, Liz, Danielle and Eleanor are making us all breakfast." Harry comforted, patting his back, winking in our direction as they walked off. I leaned over and kissed Zayn's cheek lightly before getting up to continue my search for my underwear. When I found them and slid them on Zayn slapped my butt lightly before making his way downstairs, in his tracksuit pants. "You look better in my clothes!" He yelled back.

I quickly slipped on a hoody and trackies before making my way downstairs to meet everyone, Louis and Eleanor were being all cute on my couch, being all kissy and happy, Liam and Danielle were cooking together, Harry and Liz were outside doing god know's what, and Niall was sitting on his IPhone all by himself, poor Nialler.

"I'll set you up with someone," I told him as I walked over, he nodded continuing to smile at his phone. "Oh wait there already is, why not just ask her out already Nialler?" I pressed sitting down.

"She want to focus on her career," He pouted, then continuing to smile at his phone. 

"I'll find you someone else then Nialler," I smiled, tapping his hand lightly before re-joinging with Zayn who was hanging out on the couch watching the news. I sat on his lap, and he rested his hand on my waist and kissed me on my cheek. I turned my head and kissed him on the lips, placing my hand on his neck.

"Ew! PDA!" Louis shouted.

"Louis, for one, what are all you guys doing here? and for two, how is it any different to when you and Eleanor kiss?" I moaned flinging my arm around Zayn's shoulder. 

"One, we all decided we would actually visit our precious Zaynie poo and Lilly poo instead of just text and skype. Two, Eleanor and I are older." 

"Psh that's no excuse! And, thanks guys you'll all so sweet." I smiled pulling my hair into a pony tail.

"Is too!" Louis pouted, cuddling up to Eleanor. "El tell her it's an excuse!" He mumbled into her shirt. 

"It's not really boo," She laughed kissing him on the forehead. Louis sat up and crossed his arms clearly upset with everyone.

"Nialler!" Louis huffed standing up and moving onto Niall to complain to, but Niall didn't seem to be listening either so he came back to Eleanor and I went outside to figure out what Harry and Liz were doing.

"Okay and she spilled her drink here!" Detective Harry announced inspecting the stain with his imaginary magnifying glass. Liz just laughed at him.

"What are you doing?" I yelled jokingly.

"Inspecting the events leading up to the banging of last night." Harry winked, hip thrusting lightly. I laughed at him, before hearing Liam call breakfast and a small stampede of what sounded like wild elephants ran through my house, but it turned out only to be three starving teenage boys and Louis. 

Zayn brought back two plates from the kitchen and handed me one before kissing me on the cheek at returing to his spot on the couch, I grabbed a pillow and sat on the floor between his legs, ready to watch a movie that Niall insisted we watch, he put on 'Finding Nemo' which he claimed to not having watched in years, but no one really minded, my head is pounding, a comfortable day at home is just what I felt like.

Everyone sat down and watched the movie, until there was a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked, moaning, stretching slightly as I got up from my comfortable position. 

"Guess who!" I heard a young familiar voice squeal from the other side.

"It can't be!" I laughed flinging the door open, to find my beautiful little sister Jodie and her friend at the door, with Jackie standing behind them smiling. "It is!" I laughed bringing Jodie into a hug and welcomed Jackie and Daisy inside and let Jodie lead them into the loungeroom while I locked the door. I made my way to the loungeroom to find Daisy talking to Niall and sitting on his lap, she looked like she absolutely adored him, and he adored her too. Jodie was sitting on Zayn's lap talking about her sleep over and Jackie was talking to Danielle and Eleanor about the abundancy of guys in my house. 

"Does anyone want tea or cofffee?" I asked everyone.

"Yes please!" Eleanor, Liam, Danielle and Zayn said.

"What about you?" I asked Jackie.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome." She muttered, going through her purse.

"Does it really look like 2 more people will make much difference? Stay!" I laughed, "Jodie seems to enjoy Daisy's company." I smiled looking over to see the two girls dressing barbies together.

"Okay I'll have a coffee thanks." She smiled at me, I grabbed her a dining chair because all the seats were taken.

"What does everyone else want?" 

"Tea!" Everyone else chorused, British and their tea.

"Tea is for twinings!" Jodie giggled still playing with her barbie. "Tea is for twinings..." She repeated. "Mummy drank tea." She mumbled. My heart stopped, I thought we had passed this.

"Plenty of people drink tea Jodie." I reasoned.

"That's mummy's tea!" She squealed! "We have to keep it for when mummy gets back from her holiday to heaven." She cried, "I miss mummy and want her home! Please tell mummy I want her home." she cried, and it absolutely broke my heart. Everyone else was completely silent and staring at me waiting for my reaction. Jodie just got up and ran up to her room, and I ran up after her, leaving all my guests by themselves.

"Jodie, sweet heart are you okay?" I asked, knocking on her door.

"When is mummy coming home?" She whimpered. I opened the door to not find her anywhere, which meant she was in the same spot she was whenever she was upset. In her closet. 

"Mummy isn't coming home." I fought back the tears.

"Why not? Doesn't she love me?" She asked, sniffling. 

"Of course she loves you, sweetie she'll always love you. She's just gone to go help God with running the world." I mumbled through the door. After about ten minutes of talking she came out and we hugged for a little before she went back downstairs like nothing happened, and I followed, made everyone's tea, and sat on Zayn's lap in the awkwardness that was now my loungeroom. Soon everyone had left to go to their hotels or homes and it was just Zayn, Jodie and I. I put Jodie to bed early because she pretty much fell asleep in her pasta and it was just Zayn and I watching How I met your Mother.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked, kissing my temple lightly.

"Why?" I asked cuddling closer to him, our bodies fitting perfectly together.

"You have seemed so out of it and upset since what happened today." He kissed my cheek.

"I thought all of that was behind us..." I mumbled into his shirt cuddling even closer. 

"It can be behind us, but little memories can bring you back again and again." He whispered, and I just fell asleep in his arms, so comfortable and safe.

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