11. I'm your Fiancée silly!

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Chapter Eleven: I'm your Fiancée silly!

I decided to check my tumblr while Zayn had a shower, kinda wishing I was in there too. I logged on to find thousands of messages and thousands of new followers... I opened up the messages to find heaps and heaps saying that they were sorry for my loss and all that kind of stuff, some asking random questions about Zayn and the boys so I decided to make a post saying thanks for all the concern then answer the questions about the boys. There were all types of questions, anything from; how are you and Zayn going? To, do you and the boys get along? To, what do you and Zayn love doing most together, which I think were all pretty nice messages to answer.

“What you doing beautiful?” Zayn asked coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“I’m on my tumblr talking to your fans.” I smiled at him as he came and sat next to me smelling as amazing as ever.

“Tell them I say hi!” He smiled giving me a quick kiss before going through his bag to find his underwear and sliding them on under his towel and dropping the towel jumping into bed next to me. We spent the next hour or so talking to his fans, some asking questions about him, others asking questions about me, they’re mostly pretty sweet, the boys are pretty lucky. After about an hour he closed the laptop and started kissing me, sending shivers down my spine, he hadn’t ever kissed me like this, with so much passion and feeling. “I love you.” He whispered down my neck, and just for a minute, I forgot all my problems… It was just me and him.

“I love you too.” I whispered back, leaning in for more, my hands running through his hair, his gently resting on my neck pulling me closer.

“Knock, knock!” We heard someone at the door.

“How convenient” Zayn mumbled sliding on his tracksuit pants before making his way to the door. “Hello?” Zayn asked slowly creaking the door open.

“Zayn!” A tall, beautiful blonde let herself in giving him a hug as he stood there shocked.

“Uh… Who are you?” He asked still standing at the door stunned.

“I’m your fiancé silly!” Well that was a new one. I made my way out of bed to make myself known.

“Your what?” I asked Zayn confused, and he looked back with an equally as confused look.

“You’re cheating on me with this…” She looked me up and down. “Trash?!”She continued.

“First of all, she’s not trash, she’s my beautiful girlfriend and secondly, how are you my fiancé?” He asked closing the door and standing next to me.

“Don’t act like you don’t remember me Zayny poo.” She laughed lightly walking through our hotel room.

“Okay, refresh my memory…” Zayn continued cautiously watching her.

“I proposed to you at that signing about a month ago, and you said yes!” She laughed skipping around our room flinging her bag everywhere.

“I say yes to everyone, doesn’t mean I actually mean it…” Zayn rubbed his eyes yawning.

“You said you loved me.” She pouted, chucking her bag across the room onto the couch.

“I do, you’re my fan, but not in that way.” Zayn was obviously getting frustrated.

“Of course you love me in that way silly! You said so yourself ‘I love you too’” she quoted sitting on the couch cross legged facing us. “So where is she sleeping?” she asked looking me up and down again.

“In that bed, with me.” Zayn pointed at the bed we were just making out on, before this lunatic walked in.

“I am not going to let you cheat on me in my own hotel room! In fact, enough is enough! She is leaving.” She said walking over opening the door and gesturing me out of the room.

“She is not leaving. You are, before I call security, because this is my room.” Zayn warned, pulling me closer. The girl just laughed.

“What? You’re kicking your fiancé out of her hotel room?” She laughed again, her laugh sounding like a kookaburras, loud and annoying.

My hotel room.” Zayn insisted, walking over to the couch to grab her bag, and while his back was turned she slapped me, sending a shock of pain down the side of my face, grabbing me in a hold so I couldn’t move. “Let go of her!” Zayn yelled, sending me into shock, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I had never heard Zayn yell like that.

“How dare you talk to me like that!” She screamed into my ear. “I’ll give you one more chance, because I love you so much.” She warned grabbing my chin with one hand, digging her nails in.

“No. I’m giving you one more chance to let go of her and leave before I call security.” Zayn put her bag on the floor outside our room. I elbowed her in the stomach causing her to let go.

“Okay, Loony, I recommend leaving this hotel room before I sue you for assault in my own home.” I warned pointing towards the door.

“It’s not over until I say it’s over!” She warned picking up her bag before leaving. “Oh and I hope your mum died painfully you insufferable bitch.” She yelled back at me before Zayn slammed the door shut. The last comment hit me like a brick wall, just as I started making process I went back into the black hole, deeper and deeper.

“Babe, are you okay?” He asked looking at me, his eyes red. I shook my head as he walked over tracing the red blistering mark on the side of my face with the nail marks bleeding down the side of my face. “We should get that looked at, we don’t want it to get infected…” He mumbled as a tear fell down his face. “I’m so sorry; you didn’t deserve any of that.” He mumbled through the tears.

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