15. Planning a day to remember

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Chapter fifteen: Planning a day to remember

Zayn and Harry had us moved into a bigger room so we could all be together, there were two rooms with king sized beds and one with a single for little Jodie who pretty much fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Harry and Liz stayed up for a few hours with us and watched a movie cuddled up on the massive couch and talked about the psycho fan. We’ve been told we have to be extra careful now, because the fans are really starting to get overly obsessed but to be honest; my love for Zayn has never been stronger.

I looked up at Zayn to see his perfect tanned skin, dark brown eyes and hair to match, his arm was around my shoulder, and my head resting on his shoulder with my legs sprawled on the couch. Harry and Liz were down the other end, Liz’s head on his lap and Harry stroking her hair softly, mumbling things to each other smiling, they really are so cute together, I wonder if that’s what Zayn and I look like...

“You know what I think we should do while we’re in Paris?” I suggested sitting up slowly, holding in the moan of pain begging to escape.

“What?” Zayn asked kissing me lightly on the forehead.

“Disneyland!” I fist bumped, “Daisy and Jackie can come too!” I’d already explained in the car who they were to Jodie and the others.

“Yes!” Liz squealed, until Harry ‘shh’ed her kissing her cheek before pointing at Jodie’s room, not that Jodie would wake up, she’s dead to the world until at least seven am.

“Better be going to bed then,” Zayn suggested switching off the TV and standing up to help me up carefully. We all said goodnight quickly before retreating to our rooms. “You sure you’re going to be able to handle Disneyland?” Zayn asked, concerned, snaking his hands around my waist from behind, careful not to touch my wound.

“I’ll just take heaps of painkillers, please baby.” I begged, I’d always wanted to go to Disneyland.

“Fine, I’ll take you to the doctors to get the real stuff, not this pathetic, fake stuff that you’ve been taking, that stuff doesn’t work.” Zayn gave in, kissing my neck lightly.

“Okay babe.” I kissed him lightly on the cheek before grabbing my pyjamas and going into the bathroom to get changed. I slowly started taking off my dress and stared at the white patch that covered what I assume to be the most hideous scar is history, even after three months I don’t want him to see the scar. He’ll probably be too horrified by its ugliness to even look at me.

“Babe, are you okay?” I quickly wiped away the tear I hadn’t even noticed fall.

“Yes.” I whimpered, hopefully he doesn’t think anything of that.

“You’re not okay can I come in?” He asked politely, this was like the first day all over again. I didn’t answer. I just stood there in my underwear staring at the white patch, gaining the courage to take it off and re-dress it, but I don’t know if I could care to see such an ugly scar. “Please?” He begged quietly mumbling through the door.

“You don’t want to see me like this.” I mumbled back, getting a new white patch out of my bag.

“You’ll always be beautiful to me.” He mumbled, I could hear him fidgeting with the door knob, which I failed to lock. I heard the door creep open and then turned to him, the tears too hard to control.


I slowly let myself into the bathroom, only to see my beautiful girlfriend looking in the mirror, crying. It absolutely broke my heart to see her like this.

“Are you crying because you’re in pain?” I choked back my tears, I had to be strong, even though I really haven’t been.

“No, the pain I can handle, it’s seeing you in pain, and my mum, and the thought of you not thinking I’m beautiful anymore if you saw this hideous scar.” She cried, words cannot explain how much watching her cry breaks my heart.

“I’ll always think you’re beautiful. Do you need to re-dress that?” I asked her, slowly walking over to her as she turned towards the mirror.

“Yes, but I don’t want you to think I’m ugly, so please leave.” She mumbled through the tears.

“I’ll never think you’re ugly, please, let me help?” I asked, putting my arms out for a hug, and she cuddled up to me in my arms for a while, calming down a little, and I let a few tears fall too. Even the strongest men have a weakness, and mine is Lilly. I pulled out of the hug and she slowly peeled off the patch, revealing a healing wound about the size of a 10c coin, looking red and massively painful.

I looked at her, and leant in for a kiss, “you’ll always be beautiful to me. You’ll always be my beautiful Lilly.” I smiled weakly, the little scar won’t change any of my feelings toward her, actually, it already has, it helped me realise how much I really can’t live without her, the thought that I might have to live without her, broke me up inside, the hours I spent sitting outside the emergency room I couldn’t stop thinking about how much my life would change. It made me fall even deeper in love with her.

We re-dressed the wound and got her dressed into her pyjamas and me stripped down to my underwear for bed, and we cuddled up tightly and fell asleep like that, how lucky am I to have such a beautiful girl with such a big heart. 

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