19. Party time!

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Chapter nineteen: Party Time!

The next two months flew by, until it's the day before mother's day, the first one without mum, dad's back and he's really laying off the booze, he hasn't had one since he's been back from his work thing, Jodie has been a whole lot better, she's been making Zayn and I cups of tea, and talks to mum every night before she goes to bed. Last night she said, "Hey mummy, you'll never guess what I did today,  Lilly and I made cupcakes and scones and we had a tea party, I didn't drink tea, I drank milk, I don't know how you guys like tea... Are you still having tea breaks up in Heaven? Lilly told me it's beautiful up there...Anyway mum, Lilly's waiting outside to tuck me in, I love you!" 

I'm pretty sure Zayn's forgotten that my birthday is tomorrow, on mothers day, but I don't really care, he's been on tour for about a month and a half now, and there's still a month and a half to go before he visits, he calls every day but not for very long, and I text him sometimes, but almost never get a reply for hours. Jodie is at school most of the time now and dad's at work, so I spend most of my time with Liz because our boyfriends send money down for us so we don't have to work, but I kind of want to work because I'm constantly bored. 

I decided to call up Liz. 

ME: Normal LIZ: Bold


Hey babe! What are you doing today? 

Absolutely nothing, I'm bored as ever.

Do you know what I think we should do?

What should we do Lil?

buy a house together like we always said we would!

We said in London, so we could spy on the boys and travel. 

Why can't we buy a house in London?

We have our families here!

You wanted to move more than me, and plus my dad and sister are quite capable by themselves and they can come up and visit all the time! Same with your family!

So we're really moving to London?

Why not! Pleaseeee!



How are we going to afford it?

I don't know.... 

We can talk about it later, right now I'm picking a dress for your party! 

You know I don't want one, 

But you're getting one all the same don't forget, the hall at eight!


Bye babe! Love ya!

Love ya too ex oh ex oh gossip goat! 

I laughed and then hung up. Liz and I love London, we'd both been there before on holiday and we'd decided we wanted to live there, I quickly jumped in the shower and started washing myself down for the party tonight, washing my hair and body. I jumped out of the shower and went through my wardrobe trying to find a half decent dress to where, it's now Autumn in Australia which means that it's a little colder so I chose a white strapless dress with lace over top that fell a few inches above my knees. I quickly threw my hair into a pony tail and slipped on some tracksuit pants and a jumper and skipped to Jodie's room, she was sitting on her bed with her suitcase a pillow next to her as she watched a movie. 

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