chapter 1

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Frank was an interesting guy. He was social but only had one close friend. He had black hair that swooped next to his left eye and had piercing  green eyes. He played guitar and still had the childish dream of being a rock star, even at age 25. He knew a lot about people who he had never spoken to. He just had good observation skills and could tell many things about people simply by the way they stood or what color socks they wore. This usually scared public people away, and attracted drunk people at parties when used as a party trick. The only person who didn't get scared off by him when he told them what he knew, was his best friend, Ray. Ray also played guitar and had Brown hair in the style of an Afro. 

He left his house after waking at around 3 in the afternoon to go visit a nearby park. He lived in a small town so the park was almost always empty. But each day, at around the same time, he visited one area in particular. It was a park bench facing a calm stream with beautiful trees and flowers surrounding. He went there to calm down and think. It had good memories attached to it too, its where he met his best friend.

He was sitting on the bench and some guy plopped himself right next to him. The first thing he noticed was the mans hair, he thought it was the most rad hair he'd ever seen. But then he noticed more personality revealing things. The dirty old vans he wore, his frayed jeans, the plain colored shirt. This guy was obviously quite laid back and didn't care much.  The way he sat and how close to Frank revealed he wasn't too shy and definitely had some confidence. There was a bit of creme cheese on his index finger, he must have had a bagel for breakfast, and that would explain why he came from the left side of frank. There was a breakfast cafe only a mile left of where they sat, and it had the best bagels. Next he noticed the callus on his finger tips  and a triangular shape in his pocket.

"so how long have you been playing guitar?" Frank asked the man

"excuse me?"

"you're obviously a guitar player, but maybe its bass. which one?"

ray smiled "no, its guitar. im just shocked that you know that, do i know you?"

"no i was just able to tell. i guess it just takes one to know one"

"wait so you play too?" ray asked

frank nodded 

"well back to your question, i got my first guitar when i was eleven"

"oh that's rad! you had a year head start from me then, i started at around 12. anyway, did you enjoy your bagel?" frank asked and smirked, he knew this question would totally scare him away and he almost felt enjoyment in that.

"yeah it was fucking delicious, how did you know that one?"

"the direction you walked from and the creme cheese on your finger" he pointed to his spot of creme cheese

ray chuckled "wow that's embarrassing, it was on my hand the whole time. thanks for pointing it out" he wiped it off on his jeans

"listen man, youre insane. completely creepy, and i love it, wanna hang out sometime?"  ray asked

"well that was contradictory, i was thinking i would scare you away but hanging out does sound good"

Ever since that day they had been best friends, often hanging out to compete guitar skills and writing songs together. 

As Frank made his way to the park he spot two people. One of them played violin, owned a cat, and was feeling quite good that day. The other person he spotted listened to 80's rock and painted a lot. His most recent painting was of a flower. He must do it for a living. He finally made his way to the bench and thought about his day so far. Not so productive but he did meet two people without ever speaking to them. He decided to text ray

F: yo i think you would get along quite well with this person i just saw

R: really? studying people again. i swear you're the reason no one lives here

F:you know i do it all the time!

R: yeah whatever, so why would i like them?

F: they listen to 80's intensely

R: yess its so hard to find people with good music taste. let me guess, you know their favorite food too?

F: no but they did recently eat, and enjoy, a hot pocket

R: youre insane

F: :)

Frank chuckled to himself and headed home to play guitar until his fingers ached.

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