Head Gamemaker

195 2 0

Name: Kelsey

What type of personality do you have?

"I'm kind of sarcastic, with a side of sweet and mysteriousness. I'm usually pretty nice, despite the sarcasm, but don't get on my bad side! I'm very particular about trust; it's a big thing for me."

What type of Tributes do you go for?

"Usually I like the more Intelligent, elusive and mysterious Tributes. Someone who can be unpredictable and unexpected. I don't mind a bit of emotional background or past, but I can't stand pity. Sometimes though, something from another Tribute will catch my eye, and I can't help but be intrigued..."

Anything you're looking for in the Victor?

"Someone who's interesting and deserves to win, for one reason or another. That's the most important thing, in my opinion. They should be interesting, and make me want to know more; like a cliffhanger."

 What type of environment(s) do you prefer?

"I prefer environments are have options- both good and bad. That way we can mix it up a little, and make it more mysterious. But they can't be too complicated; that takes away from the brutality and excitement of the arena, not that they need to be any more brutal. Contrasting areas in an environment are my favourite though, I think."

Any tips for the Tributes?

"Nothing is what it seems, so remember to read between the lines..."

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